Julie Ottosen

colored by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

It's my shoy colored. Whattya think? ^^;; Ain't Chrono cute? lol. XD;; Oh.. and um.. if anyone is like "yes he is cute, can my shoy date him!!?" The answer is no. XP

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Finished Work
21y125d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (30)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 04:08 PM

Wow cool, bg's wicked, the pose is wicked, the colouring is wicked...it's all amazing ^-^ -spooky voice- Could this be the start of a shoyru craze? -cough- probably not

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 04:43 PM

Wheeheehee!! He ish cute, can my shoy date him? XD Lol, just kidding^^ The pic is awesome, I like the kinda smudgy look. The base of his tail still looks a bit thin, but I may be wrong... cocks head Are those tattoos on him, or just natural markings?

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 04:44 PM

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!hes sooooo adorible huggles totally grat job julie!!!!i agree with the other person...every thing is great! keep it up!!!

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 04:48 PM

oh and whats his name?hehe XD

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 10:43 PM

did you see the sketch? the name is there... >>

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 04:49 PM

-giggles insanly- -big googly eyes- He's so ... I dunno ... MMMM... Yummeh... -clings to Chrono- -purr- Can I keep him? Pleeeease?

Rauko: Hrmph.

¬¬ Least Chrono ain't a runt. HAH! He's cuter than you Rocky!

Rauko: Ra-uk-o! Not Rocky! Ra-uk-o! -grumble-

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 08:10 PM

grin ahh, he looks nice. I love the shading, the boy is ripped. My shoyru, Alvieyn, has bracelets just like that....but he's...erm....a wimp in comparison. Aw, heck, Ian's a wimp compared to ANYBODY...but yeah. I like :)

Posted: Saturday, 15 February, 2003 @ 11:21 PM

Wow Julay! He was cool as a sketch, even cooler as a finished image! xD Xia-yesh indeed, frum a shoy's point of view, it's very luffly Julie, very, very luffly ^^ Yes... very luffly.. pokes Xia away

Posted: Sunday, 16 February, 2003 @ 12:41 PM

hey the colouring in this is top banana! holds up banana and takes BIG bite mmmmmmmmmmm hears news in livin room that banas are startin to die out (im NOT joking) and chokes bblrrrrgh! swallow oh no!!! pats banana and tries to fold back up strokes poor banana, i dont no why i started eating it, i love my banana, it wont die out will it? looks around pleadingly sniff, anyway, the colouring looks rougher, great for the picture, and the shading looks more burnt in, did you use a rougher paper option in adobe? i lobe his tattoos too =^^= note: i was NOT joking about the bananas, the trees are dying out and stuff because lots of people eat them, they are britains fave fruit! waves 'save the bananas' flag SAVE THE BANANAS!!! greeeeeaaaat picture julie!!

Posted: Sunday, 16 February, 2003 @ 04:45 PM

Why thankee. Thankee also for the... er.. enviromental update. XP I like banana's.. I guess we're going to have to save the banana trees!! aahh!! >>

Anyways... I used a filter for his hide um... it was a texture filter... uhh.. craqulure I think? something like that. Stained glass didn't work for him. XD;; I tried it. Anyways.. thanx again. ^^;

Posted: Sunday, 16 February, 2003 @ 09:36 PM

Ack, he really is cute! And I agree with you, the neopets shoy really is rather ugly x_X I tend to draw them kinda dragonish myself, lol oO; You have a good shoyru style though ^^

Posted: Sunday, 16 February, 2003 @ 09:57 PM

I feel really stupid asking this question so you've been warned. Is it a guy or girl?? What I think (which isn't really important however) it looks more like a girl to me. I think its the eyes, but hey didn't say it was a stupid question?? Other then that its.....its.....so good i'm at a loss for typing.

Posted: Sunday, 16 February, 2003 @ 10:06 PM

He is a boy. Does Chrono sound like a girls name? lol. His eyes might be a little.. like that.. but have you ever seen an anime guy before? They usually look very girly.. (this isn't anime mind you...) Anyways... he's a BOY. XD;;; and everyone else has been saying "he" if you haven't noticed. =P And if it was a girl, you could tell.

Posted: Monday, 17 February, 2003 @ 02:34 PM

really good..

i kno this doesnt have to do witht he ic but wat is goldenwolf's username on neopets AND OR the gallery i saw one of his (hers) pics and i wanted to see some so heh :)

Posted: Monday, 17 February, 2003 @ 05:27 PM

heh actually it ok usa dont have to tell me ijust found like a gallery of his (hers) kinda by accident :) soo yah GOOD pic :)

Posted: Monday, 17 February, 2003 @ 07:47 PM

For future reference... XD;; I have posted her link on several other pictures... and I also have a link to her site on Tinello's petpage, in his links section. Okay? Okay. ^^; Enjoy.

Posted: Tuesday, 18 February, 2003 @ 06:07 PM

his name is Chrono?hm...is he a real neopet?cause i think when i went to check him out it said he was a skieth or sumthing...maybe i typed it wrong.knowing me thats probably it XD

Posted: Tuesday, 18 February, 2003 @ 10:00 PM

yes, he is a real neopet.. and I did tell you go to the sketch to get his real name.. I don't mean to be like.. rude or anything.. but really.. why do I have to do all the work? You want to know what his name is, put some effort into it.

Posted: Tuesday, 18 February, 2003 @ 07:12 PM

GREAT pic! You're really good at drawing shoyrus! I know you said that if anyone asked about dating you would say no. So I hope you don't totally spazz on me for saying this. o_0 But I have a ghost shoyru on my account at neopets and I've been meaning to try to rp with her. I was thinking maybe our pets could rp together or something. I'm not all that great at rping cus I haven't had much experience and all but maybe you could help me out with it. I also have a couple of lupe chars. I've been thinking of making too. So yeah, if you wanna rp please let me know!!!! Hope we can. :)

Posted: Tuesday, 18 February, 2003 @ 10:01 PM

If you know I told you not to ask, why the hell are you asking? I don't mind if you ask if we could rp, but I specifically said "DO NOT ask", so if you know that I said not to ask, why are you asking? Really.. explain this to me? I don't mind rping.. but don't ask me to rp w/ a pet that I asked not to rp w/. I have my reasons, so don't ask. Thank you for liking my picture though... and forgive me for sounding rude, but if it were you, how would you react?

One more thing... again I don't want to sound overly mean... but if you can't rp well, please learn to rp well first, BEFORE you want to rp w/ me.. or anyone else who has rped for over a year. I find it slightly annoying rping w/ someone who can't rp well. Here's a hint: don't just posts one liners.. cuz better rping is at least a good couple of sentences. Sorry again, don't get all offended, I ask you please. If you want to talk to me more, (about this or anything) do not write a response as a comment here, contact me on neo, or write me an email from here. Okay? Thanx.

Posted: Tuesday, 18 February, 2003 @ 10:19 PM

Awww! ^^ Hes a cuteie! hugs him lol! XD! I love shoys so much! twitch I can't get over how koo you draw their hands and feet! ^^ I LOVE it! AWSOME coloring job and drawing job! lol!

Posted: Monday, 24 February, 2003 @ 01:49 PM

Hehehe, it's me again. I really like this picture, and... yeah... I'm just now commenting. I wanted to say that I LOVE the markings you put on his shoulders/legs. Where do you get your ideas for them? Goes to hide her designs Also... what font did you use for his name? I really like that as well. Nice effects on the font ^^ I can't draw rocks.. so I'm fasinated with how real yours looks ^^" Feels stupid

I know what you mean about rping with ppl that don't know how. After rping for so long, it gets irritating having to pratically force their character to do something that at least pertains to what's going on, lol. Just thought I'd add my two cents worth to that. Keep up the great art! ^^

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 04:19 PM

I dunno how I come up w/ the designs for markings.. I don't think they're all that great or detailed, but ppl seem to like em.. shrug the font is called Roughedge. ^^;

Yes- I love to rp. I really do, but I also can get worn out w/ it fairly quick w/ppl that don't have any imagination, and after I write up this big long thing and make my char ask something all they reply is: "yep" and it's so very very annoying. It drains me rping w/ ppl like that. And I hate getting drained.. it's.. annoying.

Anyways.. glad ye likes. heh.

Posted: Tuesday, 25 February, 2003 @ 08:01 AM

Wonderfull piccah, Julie. ^_^ I love all your art...this is the first Shoy I've seen of yours. Very well done. I love the muscle tones and coloration.

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 01:57 PM

Its really great... but how come when I search it says he is a red skeith?

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 04:04 PM

I've already explained this a couple of times on 2 other comments. If you had read any of the other comments, or replies I've made you would've known that. I would recommend reading my replies to ther ppl in the future so I don't have to repeat myself over and over... Chrono isn't his full name. His full name is told on the sketch of this same picture a few pictures back. Please don't make me do everything...

Posted: Thursday, 27 February, 2003 @ 09:17 PM

I'm sorry Julie, maybe I worded that wrong. I think I forgot that I had decided NOT to ask about your shoyru and mine. lol. Just about the rping. I think I wasn't exactly awake that day.......but yeah, no offense taken!! Would be willing to let me know some good sites to rp though? I do want to start rping with these lupe chars. I have in my mind and all. Ok, and yes I supposed I do understand how you feel about both the rping and the piccy. I'm sorry again!!! I seriously was NOT thinking that day! :) School, music lessons,I do drawing too, and just all kinds of stuff can kinda make you lose sleep sometimes. o_0 So anyway, if you're willing to let me know about the rping just reply here or neomail me on neopets! (Followerofchrist07) Though, just out of curiosity, since you said you don't rp with people unless you ask them does that mean you might now want to rp with me or does it just mean a maybe as long as I get better at it?? Just wondering, you don't have to answer if you don't want to!! But if you do know rp sites I would be glad to know! :)

Posted: Saturday, 01 March, 2003 @ 05:35 PM

Breathtaking! Awesome! Impressive! Wonderful! Cool! Great! Super! Excellent! Stupendous! Overwhelming! Striking!

Posted: Thursday, 13 March, 2003 @ 02:51 PM

Shoyruuu! o.o; He's cute! O.o; looove the color x_x I can't draw on the computer. shrug probably because I've only got Paint :-p ah well. I can doodle pretty well. I'm considering joining S7 eventually... x_x until then I'm gonna doode just for the heck of it, like I've been doing, and stashing it... er... somewhere. I've been trying to pick out all the L*U*P*E* Blue comics, but I keep getting sidetracked and it's turning into a thing that's lasting a couple months.. ^_^' I just thought to check out your userlookup today, and got here O.o; Am I typing too much? oh well. Just wanted to say that I really really love your art!! And I'll be quiet now o.o;

Posted: Thursday, 05 June, 2003 @ 01:03 PM

I really love this picture. You really did well on the whole Shoyru leather look. The markings are highly original and Beautiful as well! You are my idol Julie. Always have. Always will. :) Keep up the Great and Awesome work!

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