Evelien Chewy

Vrij Zijn
Vrij Zijn by @evelchew (Evelien Chewy)

This picture is based on a song that suits Marie very well, now I've updated Marie’s persona a bit. She’s still got that fear to lurve, buuuut.. I figured that it’s just not very Marie-like to ignore the opposite sex and all the shit. She’s sexy and pretty and popie and loves to show that! Because that’s just her personality, m’kay. Little bitch.. I never said she was cute. Anyways.. so yeah, when she’s a bit older (yet before her crisis thing), and if she’s drunk a weeee bit too much, she tends to get kinda.. flirty :P Often she’ll end up making out and that kinda shit. Ooooh! Little slut XD However, it’ll always stay physical. She doesn’t mind physical love (oh no!), but as soon as things get too serious, she’s gone. Thus she gets that air of “single, not looking”, but for some reason the guys find that even more attractive.. not that she minds that much :P She loves the attention.

…gawd, she IS a slut!! XD

ANYWAY… a song from one of my fave Dutch singers, Marco Borsato, tells of this girl that acts a lot like Marie (but the girl in the song is about 18, while Marie won’t act like this anymore after her crisis (15/16 YO)). It makes me think of her. So I translated it to English for you guys, as best as I could (do you know how HARD it is to translate songs?! @_@ Damn!).

“Vrij zijn” by Marco Borsato

A pair of of flirty eyes Watches you from behind her wild, yet soft and silky hair Barely eighteen years old But so much older in this light Everybody dances around her But nobody approaches Maybe an hour Maybe a night But she’ll always be free

(oh oh oh oh)

Till the morning Brings her new chances (oh oh oh oh)

Will she be standing next to you But when the morning comes, she’ll leave (Chorus) Be free She just wants to be free Be free Love will come someday But now she just wants to be free To be unconcerned and free Love Love will come someday When she doesn’t need to be free anymore

Sometimes she’s scared and lonely And desires to go back in time A sense of security and warmth And a kiss from daddy But she wants to taste life Without rules or authority Just do those things That almost no one can do (oh oh oh oh) She laughs at the world And dances away her doubts (oh oh oh oh) She pretends to be in love with you But if you want more, she will leave (Chorus) And she dances and she laughs And she’ll get to you For an hour, for a night But don’t you think she will stay (Chorus)

There. And about the piccie itself.. I like the way of shading X3 It’s so EASY! But for the rest it kinda sucks X_x Especially the smoke. GAWD! [is embarrassed. Tons.] The sketch was pretty cool though, but I sorta lost it ^_^;;; Oops.

Medium: Paint Shop Pro 7

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Evelien Chewy

Finished Work
21y260d ago
Other Work By @evelchew

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 07 December, 2002 @ 10:12 AM

Wow,awesome lighting effects.The atmosphere looks really great on this pic. www.side7.com/art/richcaba

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