Evelien Chewy

Like a virgin..
Like a virgin.. by @evelchew (Evelien Chewy)

Oops ^^; Got that song stuck in my head. Well this is half of my half of an art trade with Sarah (Poodlesheep)... what? 6_9 Lol. It's Kasia in her new dress... ^-^ I just randomly chose some colours, I hope they aren't off too much!

I would have put a LOT more time and effort into this.. if it weren't for the fact that someone at Furbid actually made a bid on my commission and wants me to draw a $51 pic X_x So I got kinda in a hurry with the trade because I have to do that other pic too. Resulting in quick sketching, inking and SOFT colouring (eeeeeiii!! ><) I'm so sorry Sarah! I'll make it up whenever I'll get some free time again! ::crahs:: And you'll still get a pic with Julian.. sometimes.. ^_^;;

To make up a bit, I did something kinky with her hair ^^;; I couldn't decide from that reference pic whether her hair was blue or purple.. XD So I made it purplish blue.. though more blue than purple Dah!

Well, hope you like anyway!

Medium: Karisma colour pencils

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Evelien Chewy

Finished Work
21y231d ago
Other Work By @evelchew

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 19 October, 2002 @ 10:46 PM

I love how you did the haair.. I need to get me some o' them Karismas. :D


Posted: Sunday, 20 October, 2002 @ 10:00 AM

LOL, thanks DaZ ^^ The hair looks pretty neat ay? I should do that more often ^~ Karisma pencils are okay (they'd better - they're expensive ¬¬), but actually I'd rather have Prismas ^^;; But they don't sell them hnaw ::crahs:: The only thing I absolutely HATE is that Karismas crumble so easily (but I think you have that with most pencils if you use them the way I do XD). But eh, I'm glad you still like this pic, as I can colour a LOT better XD But I gotta say it takes a lot more time as well! I finished this piccie in one night.. O.o Wow XD

Posted: Sunday, 20 October, 2002 @ 06:10 AM

O.O I WUV IT SO!!! its soo prettyful!!!! XD you coloured her pretty much right.... huggles to pic its son PRETTY!!!! thanks so muchly!!!! -Poodle

Posted: Sunday, 20 October, 2002 @ 06:15 AM

is still running around the rooms hugging the pic GWAHHHH!!!!XD

Posted: Sunday, 20 October, 2002 @ 10:04 AM

Lmao! I take that as a yes.. =^_^= So happah you liiiike! She was SO much fun to draw. I must do it again!!! XD

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