El Thorvaldo Moderator

Plans Within Plans
Plans Within Plans by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My 93rd and final submission to DYOS X. [link]


The phrase "plans within plans" is common throughout the Dune series. Lady Elara does in fact utter the line in the game Dune 2000, albeit not in the scene used for this comic. It is a strangely fitting description of the course of DYOS X, and indeed Part II, in that everyone is using everyone else for their own aims while remaining unaware of their own manipulation. It is especially fitting in that House Corrino knows the full story. But who is the epitomic puppeteer? CivGeneral may have bested kulade and the Combine, but he would come to learn the games were only just beginning...

I had originally hoped to finish the thread with this cartoon, but choxorn requested that he write the conclusion and I couldn't help but oblige. It's short, yet complex; straightforward, yet enigmatic. The investigative and slightly psychotic reader can actually (probably) figure out who they're talking about based on the clues scattered throughout the story. There are only three other published pieces coming as close to saying whodunnit as this one, one of which is not available for public consumption.

Dune 2000 © Westwood Studios.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt February 2012.]

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