
August 24th, 2024






After a series of tachyon storms occur across the world, the Avengers investigate and discover their relation to AIM’s experiments. Whilst investigating an AIM facility, they encounter Goodshot (Kate Bishop), Niceshot's protégé and ex-Avenger-in-training. Meeting with her at a SHIELD outpost, the Avengers learn that Niceshot had been captured by AIM while investigating Mick Curry’s (Nick Fury) disappearance and its relation to the tachyon storms. Capturing AIM scientist Lyle Getz, they interrogate him and learn that Penelope is attempting to master time travel. After Finn offers her a chance to join the Avengers, Goodshot leads the team on a raid, during which they discover Penelope is in contact with a future version of herself and that Niceshot apparently works with her. Consulting Form, the Avengers agree to travel back in time to rescue Niceshot and end Penelope’s experiments before they tear reality apart.



With help from the resistance, they construct their own time gate and go back to before Niceshot initially went through AIM’s portal and rescue him, whereupon he reveals that he was attempting to contact Curry, who is with the future Penelope, and that they are working together to avert a future apocalypse. Agreeing to let Niceshot travel to the future, the Avengers return to the present to ensure he succeeds and takes control of Penelope’s time gate after defeating a Super-Adaptoid created by her future self. Once Niceshot returns to the present, Goodshot destroys the gateway and agrees to join the Avengers as a full-time member. While debriefing the Avengers, Niceshot reveals that Penelope was trying to thwart a Kree invasion with Curry’s help. After the latter realized the battle was a lost cause, he sent Niceshot to the past to prepare the Avengers for the invasion before it occurs. Before he can tell the Avengers more, Niceshot suddenly falls unconscious due to the effects of time travel.

Teen (V)
Finished Work
33d14h ago
Other Work By @RaptorPupil

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