El Thorvaldo Moderator

Duty Calls
Duty Calls by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My 14th submission to DYOS XI. [link]

I'd hoped to do a little more with Krieger and Captain2; in a prior comic I'd suggested Capt2 knew of him before, and I'd even sketched out a loose sub-story where the resistance and the Union team up against a common threat (I think it was Mulroney). Of course, Capt2 invaded Poland and I decided if I was ever going to reach closure with the hostages, I'd have to handle it myself.

This comic pretty explicitly articulates my position on the relationship between 10.5 and 11, at least at that time. I and I think most everyone else considered them to follow separate, if mutually-acknowledged continuities: hence my characters only appear in one thread or the other when in canonical roles. Only @GenMarshall seriously treated 10.5 as a sequel at the start; but, like a kidney stone, once he's passed through nothing is ever quite the same, and the two stories gradually became interdependent.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt February 2012.]

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