Bridgette Berry

Good vs. Evil
Good vs. Evil by @idgiebay (Bridgette Berry)

I was bored.

Before any Zim fanatics jump on me, I made him a little devil because it just didn't seem to fit the other way around. =P Really. I tried.

I can't seem to draw in the JV style anymore.. ; . ; My Jhonen muse must have gone on holiday or something, but I hope he returns soon. In the meantime, enjoy this scary hybrid style. x.x

I think I'm going to be shading this way for a while.. it doesn't take as long AND it looks better (IMHO, anyway.. anyone think any different? Please let me know!).

Finished Work
22y65d ago
Other Work By @idgiebay

Comments & Critiques (12)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 29 April, 2002 @ 03:03 AM

Yes, I agree that this shading looks better [but you knew that I thought that]... And yeah, it DOES work better as Zim*Devil and Dib*Angel...

I LOVE the Trident, and now I have images... Devi*Devil... Heheh...

Even though it's only 'pseudo' JV, I still like it! But yes, find your muse, darnit!!! Bye bye!

Posted: Monday, 29 April, 2002 @ 03:31 AM

Wahh!! It soo cute!! huggles it like whoa And for only a hybrid style, it looks a lot closer than what i've seen others try to pass off as that style x__x

Soooooo cute..... boom

Posted: Monday, 29 April, 2002 @ 03:47 AM

OOOoooooooooooooooh! Zim's the hot little devil! XD

Ack! stupid scrollbar lag made me hit the submit button too early

You've had sortof a hybrid style from the start, like, I could still look through a bunch of "Jhonen-styled" artwork and come to a certain collection and say "Huzzah! that's Idgie*Art right there!". It's not just the drawing and the proportions, but also the coloring and lots of unexplainable art stuffs that just screams your signature on them, as close to JVZim as it'll ever get. It's you, and you rock, k? XD

I think this pic is still great despite how un-jhonen you think it is. It sure looks pretty damn close! :)

i shut up now.

Posted: Monday, 29 April, 2002 @ 05:38 AM

Oooo! Me likes! ^-^ Bravo! This is really great!

Posted: Tuesday, 30 April, 2002 @ 06:17 PM

i luv the pic but ZIm is still my favorite ok

Posted: Tuesday, 30 April, 2002 @ 08:56 PM

AH! I LOVE IT!!! I MUST print out some of your artwork to put into my binders!!!!! May I? Pleeeeease? ::gives puppy dog eyes:: E-mail me if I caaaaaaaan!


Posted: Wednesday, 01 May, 2002 @ 12:14 PM

awww thats cute! ^^ i like zim's lil septer type thingy...its cool! i want one!

Posted: Thursday, 02 May, 2002 @ 04:13 PM

ANGEL DIBBY! glomps the angel Dibby Soooo kawaii! ^^ I love this pic, it's very cool for a hybrid style, and the CG effects are AMAZING...keep up the good work!


Posted: Monday, 06 May, 2002 @ 04:57 PM

Awwwww... they are sooooooo darn CUTE!!!

Posted: Tuesday, 25 June, 2002 @ 05:58 PM

Truly, it doesn't matter whether or not you can draw in Jhonen Vasques's style. I liked the picture. I thought it was a funny idea, and that it was well-executed. It's better that you don't strive to draw like Jhonen Vasquez, anyway.

Posted: Sunday, 03 November, 2002 @ 02:08 PM

ADORBABLE!! - glomps Angel Dib and hugs him - This is so cute!! I like Zim's pitchfork with the lil Irken thing on it, very clever. EEEK!! I want an Angel Dib Plushie!!!!

~ Sinne what be enthusiastic for a Dib plushie

Posted: Saturday, 25 October, 2003 @ 08:12 PM

cute! ^.^

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