Bridgette Berry

José Carioca
José Carioca by @idgiebay (Bridgette Berry)

Lookie, it's José, Joe, Zé, or whatever else you'd like to call him. I'm takin' a little break from Zim art, yes I am.. I'm pretty happy with how this came out, actually, though I do think I screwed up on the perspective.. and some of the coloring.. and his clothes.. but despite all that, I like it.

I love José, I do, I do.. In fact, the only other Disney character that rivals my luv for him is Donald himself, which reminds me that this picture was inspired by yet another Donald Duck sticker. I get a lot of inspiration from those.. o.o;;

Anyway.. José is such an underrated character. ;-; ..well, unless you live in Brazil, where he's bigger than Mickey Mouse. o.O Disney needs to do more with him! He showed up in House of Mouse a couple times, but the voice they got.. UGH! Rob Paulsen! I mean, he's a voice god and everything, but he was NOT meant to do a Brazillian accent! shudders No one could ever emulate José Olivera's sexy voice. Heh. ^^;; Anyhow.. err.. enjoy?

Finished Work
22y67d ago
Other Work By @idgiebay

Comments & Critiques (4)

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Posted: Friday, 26 April, 2002 @ 11:04 PM

AHH! Why arent you online?! IM soo lonely..oh look, just as i said that, jamie shows up 0_0! now, THAT is spooky!

I dont much care for disney as a whole...seeing as the it is some kind of meglo-corporate jabba the hut....exploiting third world countires and what not...but hey, everyone loves ethnic-stereotype fun!! ^_^ and Jose is no exception!

seriosuly though, i love the pic!!! you can draw cartoony- things sooooo good! and you have mastered the zen of photoshop!!

aww...make more tallest piccies too sometime!! ^_^

keep drawing!

Posted: Friday, 26 April, 2002 @ 11:30 PM

O.O Woah...ANOTHER PERSON I KNOW LIKES HIM!!! :DDD!! Yay! ::cough:: Ahem, anyways..I love this pic! Heehee, he's such a cutie ^^ It makes me wanna go and watch 'The Three Cabaleros' all over again. And I loved his little accent..too bad he got replaced...anyways, this picture is so great! The coloring and outline is beautiful! You have to do more with him XDD Hehe, I also like the rooster from the Cabaleros :D Great pic!

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 01:23 AM

Yay, Jose! =D

I almost forgot how well you draw Disney characters! And.. and.. I still want a Jose beanie... Did they ever actually make one? I can't remember!

Anyhow, the shading on this is GREAT... and the background is pretty darn good, too! Are you satisfied with it, this time? =)

Posted: Friday, 02 August, 2002 @ 08:15 PM

Ooh! I liked the three Caballeros! Great job! ^_^ I love it!

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