Kelly Marie

Hi mom
Hi mom by @kellmari (Kelly Marie)

After a long hard day of trying to exspose zim..but never could, Dib goes to his room to hug his little alien Doll that he gotten from his mom when he was just a baby, and just when all seems lost....he gets a surprise visit, but not just any old visit from anyone...its his mom..that comes to aid her son in his time of need.....:::sniffles::: isn't it just sooooo....sweett...::Cries:::

Finished Work
22y78d ago
Other Work By @kellmari

Comments & Critiques (8)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 18 April, 2002 @ 07:04 AM

Aww... I've seen a lot of peoples' versions of what Dib's mom would like like, but I think I like yours the best. I love their expressions.. Dibby looks so painfully cute.

Posted: Thursday, 18 April, 2002 @ 12:58 PM

Whoa. A fantastic pic! I think Dib has never looked so freaked out... Keep Drawing, Art is contagious -UNKNOWNER

Posted: Thursday, 18 April, 2002 @ 04:41 PM

You chopped his hair in half. Other than that, it looks alright.

Posted: Thursday, 18 April, 2002 @ 05:44 PM

Wow, this is amazing.. I like Dib's expression. Heh.. and.. there's something really appealing about the ghost mom.. ::Tries to think:: 'Tever. And by the way.. '~random~', I think the mom's hair is entwining Dib's.. I don't think it's chopped in half..

Posted: Saturday, 20 April, 2002 @ 12:12 AM

...O.O that is just so sweet...awww...::cries:: stop reminding me of my cat phyco...he died...and the same happens to me when I look at his old caller...he just sudunly appers...nice picture by the way ::snifle:: Keep it up...

Invader K.C. (Zim's girl friend) ^..^s

Posted: Wednesday, 01 May, 2002 @ 06:50 PM

aww..thats so sweet... I wish I coudl draw liek that..I'm putign you on my list of peopel whom I'm drawign pics for!

Posted: Saturday, 08 June, 2002 @ 02:03 AM

Dib's mom looks sooo cool! Dib too! I luv all your art! You're really good! ^-^

Posted: Saturday, 08 June, 2002 @ 02:03 AM

Dib's mom looks sooo cool! Dib too! I luv all your art! You're really good! ^-^

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