Kelly Marie

Space Trip Music Bash
Space Trip Music Bash by @kellmari (Kelly Marie)

hehehe..okay...since I like going across country with my family so much..I wanted to try to do one for Zimma and Pira...so here is Invader Zimma and her sir Pira enjoying some music while on a space trip.

Finished Work
22y82d ago
Other Work By @kellmari

Comments & Critiques (15)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 13 April, 2002 @ 09:36 PM

Ooh! Shakira! heheh!

They look so cute!

Posted: Sunday, 14 April, 2002 @ 08:58 PM

lol I love it!!!!! It remids me of P.I.R. and me although I would be singing and P.I.R. would be laughing...what song is that? well love the picture keep it up!!!!!

Invader K.C. (Zims girl friend) ^..^s

Posted: Sunday, 21 April, 2002 @ 08:28 AM

awwww ^^ I was fully giggling when I saw Pira, lol

Posted: Monday, 06 May, 2002 @ 09:38 PM

I know what song that is!!! its Shakrias song right where ever when ever where ment to be together I'll be here and you'll be near and thats the deal my dear..

Posted: Saturday, 22 June, 2002 @ 05:58 AM

OMG!! WOW!!! You are the BEST ever!! Your pics ROCK!! YOU rock!!! Everything about you ROCKS!!! YEAH!!! GO ZIMMA!!! I LUV YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Believe it or not, the above sentence was SARCASM.

It's fans like you who give Invader Zim fancharacters a bad name. Tell me, Kelly, are you familiar with the term 'Mary Sue'? Allow me to explain. Mary Sue is a word used to describe a fancharacter created simply for the purpose of being perfect. Typical Invader Zim Mary Sues are as follows: Somewhat defective female SIR unit which acts remarkably like GIR, yet is not GIR and is indeed hideously cute with many markings different to that of NORMAL SIR units. (AKA Pira)

Female humans who enter Dib and Zims class who MAY POSSIBLY BE IRKEN, yet Dib and Zim are both oblivious, who have long purple hair, 'Nny boots, an outfit quite similar to Taks, some sort of extra powers, a mysterious background and a somewhat Gaz-like attitude. They usually have relationships with main characters, and come in the form of either a VERY IMPORTANT, SPECIAL INVADER or a TALLEST(AKA Zimma)

And Human paranormal investigators with floating Dib-glasses, lustrous hair (again), the frequently overused Mary Sue convention: The TRENCHCOAT AND BOOTS which are JUST LIKE DIBS, yet AGAIN being involved in a romantic relationship with one of the characters (Or even two. Hey, it's the nineties!), and another SAD OR MYSTERIOUS PAST. (AKA Bid)

And the names!!! Bid - Dib's name backwards. Uh-huh, that's very original. And Zimma? Zim with another M and an A? Come ON, you've GOTTA be able to do better than THAT.

Next time you feel like drawing any of your pathetic, unoriginal, cliched and overall SICKENING excuses for characters, do us all a favour, and DON'T. You probably won't pay any attention to this, as your little 'Groupies' will all just keep on telling you your characters are 'So cool!!' and 'cute!' until the day you either make some REAL friends or die (whichever comes first), but I have the right to an opinion, and I'm sick of seeing your 'Cool' characters poisoning the Invader Zim fancharacter name with their filth.

Regards, Nuclear Midget.

(PS - Shakira sucks.)

Posted: Saturday, 22 June, 2002 @ 02:15 PM

Look here....I am sorry that you hate my artwork and that you think that my characters are un original..but let it be known this. Artist have a right to do whatever they please and its people like you that brings the greatest artist down, sure everyone needs a little critizium, but that is no reason to say that their work is worthless. They do this out of fun and stuff like this shouldn't be taken seriously, its you who needs a attitude adjustment. I for one have never had a flame like this ever, out of the whole time I was on Side7. but you know what? I don't care, what you think or what anyone else thinks, the stuff I do is completely out of feelings and out admiration.People do this stuff all the time, and if it is a crime then let me go to jail, for the one thing that I charish most to my heart, and that is my art, ARTIST HAVE A RIGHT!! AND THEY CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT!!!

Posted: Thursday, 27 June, 2002 @ 02:24 PM

okay...WEll Kelly as much as your art be nice..I completly fully agree with the nulear midget. ALso your jhonen people zim art style look nothing like zim-style. WEll, only the ears but they sag reeal low so not even that. ANd your plot lines, their creative but very non-zimish. Zim is a comedy with twisted unique humor, but you make it a dramatic non-humor freakshow. Yuor charecters are unique but they are completly not the kinda charecters jhonen would come up with. I don't think jhonen would waste his time on making such dramatic pasts for his charecters(Bid) because he didn't for dib and Gaz and he didn't make the fact that they didn't have a mother all dramatic and obvious. SO yep. over and out this is yum yums

Posted: Thursday, 27 June, 2002 @ 02:24 PM

okay...WEll Kelly as much as your art be nice..I completly fully agree with the nulear midget. ALso your jhonen people zim art style look nothing like zim-style. WEll, only the ears but they sag reeal low so not even that. ANd your plot lines, their creative but very non-zimish. Zim is a comedy with twisted unique humor, but you make it a dramatic non-humor freakshow. Yuor charecters are unique but they are completly not the kinda charecters jhonen would come up with. I don't think jhonen would waste his time on making such dramatic pasts for his charecters(Bid) because he didn't for dib and Gaz and he didn't make the fact that they didn't have a mother all dramatic and obvious. SO yep. over and out this is yum yums

Posted: Sunday, 04 August, 2002 @ 12:55 AM

I just read the too major flames on this picture and you know what..I was disguested! I can't believe some people sure everyone is free to their opionion but something don't need to be side on the account from what is seems on the two flames above it seems the people were set just to be mean and truely rude. Zimma/Kelly I love your stuff I love you style and the fact that it isn't exactly like Jhonen's style makes it better to me at least, my style isn't either but thats what makes fan pictures, adding bits of your own style and ideas. I just had to say something if people wanted to flame others they could do it in private comments and not announce it to side 7 to embarrase the artist once again I say your a fantastic artist and I hope that flamers learn that their immaturaty should stop and that they do have the right to state their mind but they could do it with a little more class. and ps I like shakira too!

Posted: Tuesday, 20 August, 2002 @ 02:03 PM

Well, Miss Kelly marie, while I can see that your two flamers have made a couple valid points (I have a few opinions about fanchars of any genre, but I won't get into them), the way they made them was completely inflammatory and unnecessary. If they had any brains whatsoever, they would write you an e-mail or find your SN and actually have an INTELLIGENT CONVERSATION with you. Flamers are to me (I've been flamed in particularly nasty ways) the lowest sludge on the internet. They hide behind an anonymous screen name and insult people they've never met and probably never will. It's complete cowardice! Do you flamers think you're bad-ass because you falsely claim the right to insult people's artwork? The Side 7 comment feature was designed to let fellow artists offer their compliments and especially CONSTRUCTIVE criticism to various pieces. Notice I said CONSTRUCTIVE. Flames are not construcive, and may I also add, NOT TOLERATED on Side 7, neither by the artists or the admins. To the flamers: If you want your comments taken seriously at all, I suggest you aim to offer advice, not try to tear others down.

Feel free to e-mail me. keep in mind, however, that I laugh at, perhaps reply to, but more often promptly delete flames.


Posted: Sunday, 15 September, 2002 @ 06:17 AM

I would like to add my counter-comment to the flamers' comment about how you change the mood of IZ...ahemhemhemhem Yes, IZ the show is satire, that is the genre. BUT...there are lots and LOTS of people out there (including me yo!) that take the concept and make chars and make the mood more serious and romantic even. I think you are doing a wonderful job Kelly, and just ignore the flamers, they are just like black powder: the burn quickly and leave nothing to support them. Trash. GO Kelly! Keep up the art and keep up your dreams! If imagination is lost, then the world is a sad place indeed...they're just jealous sweetie, because you are so very talented

Posted: Sunday, 05 January, 2003 @ 03:43 PM
FLB: Agreed.*grabs a box of lighters off of a nearby shelf* (all butler-y-ish) And what lighter shall you be using this evening, madam?
Rel: Stop it, FLB, you're making me blush. (also in mock politeness) And I think I'll be preferring a blade, tonight. *grabs a scythe and heads for the door* (normal speaking-y-ish) Well, happy trails! Keep up the nice art, Zimma. I have some, erm, business to deal with.
"And remember kiddies, violence is never the answer. Violence is the quetion. The answer is yes."
~Quoth... someone? o_O
Posted: Monday, 03 February, 2003 @ 09:37 AM

o_O Alllll that valuable space was taken up by a flame over THIS? Look, I can see if my stuff gets flamed-I'm steadily pushing the limits every time I upload-but come ON-this is ridiculous! Good lord, one innocent little pic of Zimma and Pira, and people get their panties in a bunch! LOL-it's quite funny, really. As per usual, it's an adorable piccy-I'm a HUGE Pira fan (damn, is that SIR cute!) and Zimma is so beautiful! Heh-flamers are stoopid! (And catch that cheap shot at your music tastes! Mature, huh?)

Posted: Thursday, 13 February, 2003 @ 10:05 AM

(Sighs) Alright.

First of all, I would like to apologise to Zimma. I realise that yes, what I said was out of line, and quite possibly rude. I will not retract my statement, as I haven't changed my mind, but I admit that I was wrong. And I want to point out now that nowhere in that comment did I EVER mention or put down your ability, Zimma. You have talent. I'll give you that.

But now the anti-flamers are pissing me off.

Classical Beefy - Thank you for supporting my cause. But next time, spellcheck. Or you're just making us both look bad, you fool.

Munora G - You're obviously a bright person. But I'd just like to point out that I'm merely utilising a username, not hiding behind it. I left Kelly a perfectly legible email to respond to my comments with - what more can I do? Give my full name, address, date of birth, favourite colour? Oh, please.

Zikira - I am NOT jealous. That's the last comment people always resort to when trying to get back at flamers. I have no bitterness toward Kelly's art, just her characters. And you're WAY off if you think that's what I'm jealous of.

Tez - There are options for an artist to take to deal with unwanted controversy over comments- make comment private, or delete it. If Kelly were embarassed about my comment, don't you think she'd have done something about it herself, not let some riteous idiot waltz in and do it for her?

Onnachan - ONE innocent pic? There's a whole gallery full of them, if you click a button above. I'm not gunna go around flaming every single one of them. I have somewhat more of a life than THAT. And perhaps my little derogatory statement WAS immature. But wasn't it FUNNY?? (sigh) Friend, it wasn't immature compared with some of the other crap that gets said around here.

So, I guess I was right. People are gunna keep after you, Kelly. Well, that's fine. Go for it, people. I'm not attacking you anymore - sort your own shortcomings out.

Posted: Thursday, 22 May, 2003 @ 04:32 AM

I know how to deal with "shortcomings"...(opens airlock). That's right Midget--in ya go!

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