Rebecca Mason

Everyone look at the camera.
Everyone look at the camera. by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

A pic I spent ages doing, E-heh everyone poses for a photo (minus Gohan, Videl and Pan..their on vacation) Bulma jumps into Vegeta's arms and Vegeta ends up trying to keep his balance, Steven put's a symapathetic arm round his wife Quartina as she looks at the camera with little Katrina sitting in between them on the floor, 18 (who isn't meant to look fat --' ) looks in surprise at something while Marron stands near her mummy, Yamcha folds his arms, Duo just smiles at the camera ( although you can hardly see his braid) Trunks and Goten just pose happily as does Bra, Chi-Chi stands there smiling while Nail waves and laughs nervously, Heero looks calm enough and Krillin waves happily at the camera, Goku just waves, Wufei looks like he's gonna try flying, Trowa finds another chocolate cake, Tien's walking off the screen (to try and get some food) Piccolo just smiles at the camera (note: a very small smile) S. Kai (yay! my second pic of him) wonders why I can never draw his hair right (e-heh ^^; ) Quatre comments on Piccolo Jr. Jr's pic of him while Piccolo Jr. Jr just poses happily with it and Jeice (I drew him again..this time all grown up ^^) shouting at Radditz for tipping ink on his hair although Radditz just yells back "So what if I did?!" Enjoy ^^ Artwork © Copyright 2002 Rebecca Mason

Finished Work
22y137d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 30 April, 2002 @ 02:30 PM

Brill pic Rebecca and jeiceys in there!! Horray!! And Radditz and Supreme Kai!! Hooray!! Brill pic Becks!! Dun worry, I can't draw S kai let alone his hair!! ^_^

Posted: Tuesday, 30 April, 2002 @ 03:41 PM

snicker [18] ::looking surprised at herself:: Since when did I become THIS fat!!!??

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