Rebecca Mason

Yet more injokes, yet more madness.
Yet more injokes, yet more madness. by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

E-heh heh some more pics based from mine and Charlotte's RP's with some injokes, and my very first Kaioshin a.k.a Supreme Kai!!...e-heh although he's very short and there's chibi Krillin too, then there's the Gundam Guys as chibi's crowding round a chocolate cake for the DBZ guys, A little, sweet and innocent Piccolo (he's a toddler, that's why he's small) based on something that happened in our RP last night..as well as Baby Jeice sleeping and dreaming of cheese (Uh..well..Jeice does transalate as Cheese so I thought why not) then there's Duo and Yamcha as kids ending one of their theories that always end with Team Rocket..( example .... Yamcha: So crazy...that I love it, and it must have been put in his mind by the one and only...TEAM ROCKET!!! Duo: Yes..it was....TEAM ROCKET!!!!) and then Quartina holding a baby Quatre with a little Piccolo standing close to her, Quartina knows them two as "Her little boys" and then there's little Goku pulling along a little cart of food...and that includes a big fried chicken. ^_^.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Rebecca Mason

22y138d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 29 April, 2002 @ 10:45 AM

::laughs:: awww so cuuuuuute!!

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