Julie Ottosen

Chase the tail
Chase the tail by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

XD It's amazing what's inspired by rps. heheheh. This was just after Kay and Cat made out, and she tried to get away from him cuz he tried grabbing her tail, then he crawled down on the floor, tried to get it and she grabbed his and and said "I"m not that stupid" and he put on a dumb face and said "you're not?" hehehehe. XD

I think the poses turned out 'magnifique'* in this piccy.. heh.. but then... I was in a good mood when I drew it. XD

I have a right to brag, dun I?

Just as a side note... I am not a english major... I make spelling mistakes often... so if you see a spelling mistake.. over look it.. don't be so damn picky. XP

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Julie Young

Teen (O)
Rough / Concept
21y260d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (8)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 03 October, 2002 @ 10:57 PM

Blinks, looking at the picture, then nods Amazing as always! I love the poses!! I wish my poses were that good. Looks at Julie with envy You're a great artist, keep up the great work!! Hugs her, then sleals the picture I'm taking this home with me. Dangles in from of her face Want it back? Takes off

Posted: Friday, 04 October, 2002 @ 06:16 PM

mmm, very nice wink the muscule tone on both of them is really good... esspecially on him, he looks... well... mrrrow wink purrrrrr (lol) one of his pecs look a little off but besides that... WOW... O.O

Posted: Wednesday, 09 October, 2002 @ 12:21 PM

hehe...Is it just me,or are you making more humanoid pics than lupes? :) oh,well... I LOVE them!!!

Posted: Wednesday, 30 October, 2002 @ 09:11 PM

......0o.....wow.....I enjoy drawing, but THIS! THIS IS A MASTERPIECE!!! Question! what dfo you use to color your pics? paint? Pastel? or am I just stupid? by the way, my sister, kirin35, is a roleplaying fanatic. BE CAREFUL!!

Posted: Friday, 01 November, 2002 @ 05:08 PM

LOL!! >.> <.< gets nervous hehe.. Nah.. just kidding.. Anyways.. I use Adobe Photoshop to color my pictures. ^^ It's an expensive program, but mine came w/ my scanner and is a limited version, so it doesn't have as many features as like Adobe 7.0 (which I would SO love to have..) but mine is still nice. I also have a Wacom Drawing Tablet that allows me to draw more freely than with a mouse. I also recommend one if you're serious about drawing on the comp.. but they are also, not cheap. For a good alternative to Adobe Photoshop, try Jasc PaintShop Pro 7. It's about $500's cheaper. lol.

Posted: Thursday, 12 December, 2002 @ 12:28 PM

cool cool.....by the way what is Cat (you can call me stupid 4 all I care just tell me whate she is!!)

Posted: Thursday, 12 December, 2002 @ 01:51 PM

lol. Alright... you're stupid. ^_~ j/k

She's a kougra, just like Kay is. Kougra is a pet on neopets, if you didn't know.. =P

Posted: Wednesday, 22 January, 2003 @ 09:23 PM

Hehehe.......Cute pose......Dig Kay's wings.Tis a good one!

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