Megan Casey

Rabbit Persona : Monk
Rabbit Persona : Monk by @paradox (Megan Casey)

The other night, with a blank piece of paper and a blank pen, I found out that my dubbed "Rabbit Persona" actuall has different.. ah.. sectors? so to speak. The first one I put in here, the one done with blue ink, just the head? That's 'Rabbit Persona : Primeval'. This one is 'Rabbit Persona : Monk'.

Rabbit Persona : Raw - the raw form of the Rabbit Persona... a raving mad massive rabbit.... sort of. Primeval is larger and more crazed than Raw, though.

Rabbit Persona : Solitaire - monstrously sized, mouthless...and... meh, you'll see it. About the same as as Raw, but thicker in build.

Rabbit Persona : Savage - completely wild beast, smaller than Raw, viscious. Not nearly as strong, fast or viscious as Primeval.

Rabbit Persona : Street Fighter - the rough an' tough street-wise one. While Savage, Primeval, Solitaire, and Raw are more straight from the wild, Street Fighter's more... ah... civilized. Not by much though.

Rabbit Persona : Mideval European - think Anne Rice, think the 1700's & 1800's maybe in New Orleans.. mysterious, Ghost Walkers, vampires, creepy, the thing no one quite knows or understands, and finds strange in some dakr twisted way... You know the bit.

Rabbit Persona : Monk - calmest form that it can be morphed into, Monk, the level-headed protecter.

The most beastly forms are Raw, Primeval, & Savage. The most... modern times? dunno how to phrase that, are Monk, Street Fighter, & Mideval European. The calmest, most level-headed, still a threat, but with a reason (usually) are Monk, Solitaire, Mideval European. Primeval, Raw, Savage : Hard to tell apart. Primeval's the largest, with ridges, it has a high intelligence, and very predator-like. Raw is a bit smaller, and mostly just pure anger and hate, sort of lithe looking... Savage a lot smaller, very dark, snarling ragged, emaciated. Street Fighter, Monk : About the same size, Street Fighter looks more masculine, a bit rougher, etc. Monk isn't quite so thickly built. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Megan Casey

21y220d ago
Other Work By @paradox

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Saturday, 28 December, 2002 @ 07:11 PM

HI MEGAN!!! Trying to scare you to death I'm back at side7 and commenting your pictures (Warning, I'm a bit hyperactive now) I likes this rabbit persona, I've tried to draw rabbits, but they turn out so weird... I like expecially the ears here!

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