Let Me Be the One You Call... by @TigerGirl (Rika Jordan Kennedy)
Things are falling apart in Furcadia, and unfortunately the one getting hit the most right now is Brian. I came home from work to find out about Laura leaving, and how completely crushed Brian was by the whole thing. I sat and talked with Matt (Remus Lupin) and a few others for almost two hours about the current state of things. The following morning before I logged in, I wrote Brian a lengthy e-mail telling him that I was still his friend, but if he wanted to leave I wouldn't blame him. According to him I've been one of the few who have actually shown him kindess, and cared about his well being, even after all the nasty things other people had said. Having been told this, and having a rather slow day at work to think over things, my mind kept wandering back to him and the deliema that was facing all of us in the Hogwarts dream. My Co-Worker, Kyle came over and said I'd been listening to the same CD too long (I had Evanescence in for like 2...3 hours and hadn't even realized it) and gave me a mix CD of his own. I had it on shuffle, and this song came over my speakers... 'When you feel all alone, and the world has turned its back on you...' It was Crash and Burn by Savage Garden. I hadn't heard that song in so long, but the minute it came on, it seemed to portray the current situation between Brian and I. I started sketching, and came up with the outline for this. I then scanned at home later that night, sent it to my e-mail, and worked on it the next day in Photoshop 7.0 at work, since that's the only place I have it. For once I didn't ink the picture, just used layers to color in everything. I'm really impressed with how it turned out. I sent it to Brian with this text on it, but I saved a non-text version which is below. Brian loved it. Atleast I did something for him, even if it wasn't much. ^.^ Artwork © Copyright 2003 Rika Jordan Kennedy
It was incredibly sweet of you to make that for Brian, as we all know what a terrible time he went through after Laura left. You're a true friend, and a great person, regardless of what anyone else says. :)