Order of Outragous and Perilous Stunts (O.O.P.S) by @TigerGirl (Rika Jordan Kennedy)
YES! It is complete! This peice of work took me in total 30 hours (over four days) to finish! Left to right - Remus (cat), Aaron, Furu, Lavie, and Mab. Anyway, here's the break down - In the Hogwarts dream my character, Lavnender, met up with a sixth year Hufflepuff named Aaron Parker about a month ago. Shortly after meeting this rather interesting mischief maker, she was appointed prefect of Gryffindor house, and met Aaron's friend and partner in crime, Ravenclaw Furusaka Ken'ichi. They got in a discussion about a group of students many years back (yes, the Muraders) who were very simmilar to Aaron and Furu. Playing on this idea, they recruited Gryffindor Mab Davan. Lavie wanted to join in on the antics, but couldn't because of her prefect status. So instead she watched from afar and covered thier backs where needed. Mab, Aaron, and Furu all wound up being elected as prefects of thier houses a short time later. Using this to thier advantage, they recruited Lavie as the fourth and final memeber of The Order of Outragous and Perilous Stunts (O.O.P.S.). Now they go around creating mild mischief and playing harmless pranks around the school. And since Remus asked for his cat form to be in the picture, I did so. Mab, Aaron, Remmy, and Furu - Hope you like your picture! (The first of many in a series) Artwork © Copyright 2003 Rika Jordan Kennedy
Mwehe...Hoggy prefects! :P
And the best cat, if I do say so myself. Merows