Meatch Cleaver

Slaughterworld 15
Slaughterworld 15 by @MeatchCleaver (Meatch Cleaver)

Sadistic retards, Yiewtopian Butcher's are levied directly from every corner of the slaughterhouse planet. Despite being just lowly workers, Butchers:

-Never stop attacking

-Completely ignore pain, continuing on fighting even after the loss of limbs and grievous injury

-Seem completely immune to fear, taking a twisted joy in battle that shocks everyone who has the misfortune of going up against them. 

Their bloodlust seems to completely overwrite their self preservation instinct and the only ones who able to match their sado-masochism in battle seem to be the zealots of Rokka Dyst

Mature (V)
4d20h ago
Other Work By @MeatchCleaver

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 26 June, 2024 @ 07:25 PM

It's funny, despite the 19_ogre_mercenaries ultraviolence (or maybe because of it), I can't help but imagine this as an animated farce. :P

Posted: Wednesday, 26 June, 2024 @ 08:22 PM

@Thorvald: Eh, its more something like this : P


Posted: Wednesday, 26 June, 2024 @ 08:29 PM


When your happy, you just enjoy the lyrics.😊
When your sad, you understand them.😢

i can't :rofl:

Posted: Wednesday, 26 June, 2024 @ 09:18 PM

@Thorvald: true ;_;

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