Li Chi Son

Make sure you have a bucket when you see this :P j/k
Make sure you have a bucket when you see this :P j/k by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

I better stop staring and start typing out something......

hmmmmm, name?....call him Arz'il for now....still haven't come up with names yet but the idea is forever stuck in my head.

Dedicate this to two people.

Jen - person who sent me a comment about one of my more crappier pictures. Here's some blue&white (shouldn't it be black&white?) candyeye for you!!! No more horrible colour :P

Ju-chan!!! - here, I'll say this ONCE! I used pencil for the body.......>.< But the face is always with pen Ju-chan! Can't change me there! (Ju-chan suggested that I use pencil cause I have think lines to cover my mistakes)

So what is he?....hmmmm, not telling! Cause I know you bro bro (Gohan)! You'll probably look at this some time or another and I'm going to freak of if you know too much of my plots, muhaahahahaha!

N e hoo, if he doesn't show up in the RP, he'll show up in on paper since I've decided that I suck at drawing mangas, I'll just draw title pages for all my writings. This sounds much better.

I'll finish this once I get back from my long trip to the states!! WAHHHH! XD


Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

22y22h ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 02 August, 2002 @ 12:36 PM

hmm...now this is more at par with your usual, and incredible skill. Your work absolutely astounds me sometimes. Thanks much for the dedication :D

Posted: Friday, 02 August, 2002 @ 11:58 PM

WAIIII!!!! I get a pic dedicated to me....and he's so cute too drools You see what pencil accomplishes? ^_^ and blah, you can draw the face in pen, thats fine, cause as you said, it's the faces that you've been working on specifically. Interesting title for the picture...i thought you were criticizing yourself....(bucket for puking in) but, hey...misinterpretation happens. Ja

Posted: Saturday, 03 August, 2002 @ 09:26 PM
You know me to well sis : P, here I thought I could look in on your plot. But, just wanted to say love the clothes, you never fail to create cool clothes for all your pics ^_^ Peace!

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