Julie Ottosen

it just... happened
it just... happened by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

Please realize that there are image ratings on my pictures and I have rated them correctly. T stands for Teen. and O stands for Other, meaning I didn't know exactly what is directly Teen about it that the categrories specify... so there you go (so don't give me crap about it, you've been forwarned)

This is my lupe character Ethan and someone else's lupess char Lydia. Um... yeah, I won't say anymore about it, you can figure it out on your own... XP

Oh, but I will give you a background on like how it lead up to this... so yeah. They just sort of ramdomly met, and he started to 'hunt' her, cuz that's what he does, (he wanted to hunt her for fun, cuz he was bored) She absolutely hated him in the beginning and he loved pissing her off (like he does with all women..) He ended up saving her life from this vamipre thing... and such. (Oh, she's part vampire, like "Blade" is) And blah blah blah... she doesn't hate him anymore... lol. ^_~

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Julie Young

Teen (O)
Rough / Concept
21y279d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 11 October, 2002 @ 04:24 PM

o.0 Do I see some tongue there? These two were gettin' frisky! Cool pic but you ALWAYS make the guys middle too thin. Work on it Julie, remember, MEN ARE BEEFY -Wishes she had a scanner for a trade- Oh well bai!

Posted: Sunday, 10 November, 2002 @ 07:35 PM

Whoa! Is that Lupess taking off Ethans shirt? i think you should make Ethans chest bigger so he looks sexier and stronger

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