Kvara Klawstorm

It burns the eyes, I tell you!! BURNS THEM!
It burns the eyes, I tell you!! BURNS THEM! by @zankara (Kvara Klawstorm)

These were drawen exactly one year from today... Yup, dats how I drew last year... Some emprovement sence then uh?

Those were the BEST poses I could come up with back then. And my sence of proportion was WAY off. (good lord, look at those hands) I didn't even have a character.. Well, I had zankara, but... she was a blue dragon back then, and now shes a gryphon..

Yoshi needs to go on a slim fast diet with a complamentery face job. And that lupe looks like a cardboard cut out thats about to fall over.

Oh yah, and back then, I thought that the lupe had good shading... To be honist with myself, I see "NO" shading... Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kvara Klawstorm

Rough / Concept
21y327d ago
Other Work By @zankara

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Monday, 30 September, 2002 @ 09:23 PM

XD The yoshis adorible! lol The lupe needs (ehm needED) a VITTLE help; and yes i see LOTZ of emprovment XD Its so fun to look at my idles past artwork to compare :D

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