Jess Buehler

Meet 'The Brain'
Meet 'The Brain' by @jessbueh (Jess Buehler)

Ok, Kait gave me this outline and thought it would be cool if I could put it into art. I've already come up with the basic lay out for The Brain and how he looks, while Kait came up with who his is LONG ago. You can see The Brain changing from frame to frame.

I think I'll do another rough char. sketch realy quick and upload that too. Brb. :D ... maybe not. Im tired. Tomorrow. :D Artwork © Copyright 2003 Jess Buehler

Rough / Concept
21y79d ago
Other Work By @jessbueh

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 19 April, 2003 @ 03:58 AM

lol, this one always cracks me up every time I see it. :) I see you put in the missing caption; it looks good that way (complete, I mean). Brain is so cute. ^^

Isn't it weird how we keep updating at the same time? After I uploaded my picture I saw this thing in the recent uploads... it's kinda creepy. o_O

Posted: Monday, 21 April, 2003 @ 08:02 PM
Brain: shuddap! the brain needs to look more punk teenager, and sinister, too. I'm gonna have a helluva time trying to edit the comic though, if that's an example...
Kait: he thinks he's the editor... and he is... scary. we have to go to marching band. we love you.

your writer and your editor, kait and the (lord) brain.

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