El Thorvaldo Moderator

YCM-tailless by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

When Sonereal challenged the IOT moderator BirdJaguar to a Children's Card Game, my first instinct was to reach for that batch of cards I'd made based on DYOS. A split-second later, I realized I should try my hand at a batch for IOT!


What could be a more fitting avatar for the Forefather of Imperium Offtopicum than the revolutionary leading the proletariat to Utopia? Alas, even if I had remembered to dig through my hard drive for the archive of his early DYOS work, they would be photos of kangaroos rather than original illustrations. And so I took up the cause myself, painstakingly replicating taillesskangaru's likeness upon a Leninist setting. Choosing to work entirely digitally meant it was all touch-and-go, and I ended up completely redoing the head after the first take. As such, by virtue of the image I put more effort into this card than any other, but considering I have practically no experience with colour, I daresay this was well worth it.

Created with www.yugiohcardmaker.net

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt August 2013.]

Teen (O)
Finished Work
347d17h ago
Other Work By @Thorvald
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