Julie Ottosen

um, yep
um, yep by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

This is anudder charrie design I came up with. I like her hair. She's going to be colored purple. XB I like her glasses too.. if I had to wear glasses, I'd want glasses like hers. hehe.

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Rough / Concept
21y157d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (15)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 18 January, 2003 @ 10:10 PM

omg!this is a really great piccy!awsome job julie!im the first to comment go me go me ::starts dancing:: oh..um hehe!yeah great pic!

Posted: Saturday, 18 January, 2003 @ 10:17 PM

You know? thers something different about this pic....like the lines are darker and thicker and i really can see th detail in it. Shes really cool. in a gothic cool way. Yeah woo! its nice julie. K i commented, i want my dog treat.

Posted: Saturday, 18 January, 2003 @ 10:18 PM

Whoa, she looks cool Alice: are we related? she looks like me Alice go away, I'm trying to say how nice this picture is Alice: Hmmm, pokes picture are you sure we're not related Yes alice, I'm sure now go away.... alice: Do ya think oasis might have taken my desighn, she looks like me shoves alice away from the computer Ignore her! It looks great! Me like picture!

Posted: Saturday, 18 January, 2003 @ 11:24 PM
Ember: 0.0!! WOAH!! * drooling*
Lori: EW! take your drooling elsewhere!! Great piccie! Is that where my present to you is going??
Posted: Sunday, 19 January, 2003 @ 08:12 PM

Cool! I like her necklace thingy, looks like one my sis has. Her hair is kinda cool!

Posted: Sunday, 19 January, 2003 @ 08:32 PM

oh wow! Shes super cool! Shes really pretty! :) I like her glasses too! And her hair... But shes really cute lol! XD her outfit is nifty... Superlative job Jules! ^_^

Posted: Sunday, 19 January, 2003 @ 08:48 PM

hey! she has Kiijaru's hair! xD! kekeke...yes...i shuddup now..>>; she very pretty tho! ^^

Posted: Tuesday, 21 January, 2003 @ 02:47 PM

hey! i luffit she ish sweet, wots her name gonna be? oh and hav u got a thing wit school style skirts right now?

Posted: Tuesday, 21 January, 2003 @ 06:17 PM

Yes, Yes I do. XD When I color this however, I might change her skirt, cuz I think I'm over doing it. lol.

Posted: Tuesday, 21 January, 2003 @ 10:06 PM
Trez coolies : 3 Harry Poter glasses!! color this it ish cool
Posted: Wednesday, 22 January, 2003 @ 07:01 PM

Hope you don't mind me asking, or this doesn't annoy you but is that mark on the should of her shirt or is it more like a tattoo? Couldn't really tell........lol. Anyways, just wondering. The pic is GREAT! I LOVE the hair and the glasses are SO neato!! If I got glasses I'd want them like that too. lol. So yeah, just wondering about the mark. Which is, by the way, such an AWESOME mark!!! How in the world do you always come up with these totally awesome marks??? Goodness!! I'm trying to come up with one for a new lupe on neopets I might make but I can't really think of any. Aw well......hope my blabbering on and on isn't a bother! @_@

Posted: Wednesday, 22 January, 2003 @ 07:07 PM

Phooey, my last comment got kinda messed up. o_0 What I meant to say about my name was that I usually keep the first part, the Silver but sometimes I change the second part. Sometimes it's Elf, sometimes Wolf, sometimes Star, so if you see the name and it starts with Silver, most likely it's me. ^_^

Posted: Saturday, 25 January, 2003 @ 08:21 PM

Oh man! Her glasses look like mine! KEWL! I like her skirt too. reminds me of my wretched uniform though...

Posted: Sunday, 26 January, 2003 @ 11:25 AM

dat mark is on her skin, its a tattoo, she wearin a strappy top ok? :P

Posted: Sunday, 26 January, 2003 @ 07:59 PM

.. o.o; Wowie. Julie. Wow. She looks .. Exactly like me. Even her glasses. o.o; Except, I don't have piercings or tattooes. Well, I have my labret pierced, but okay. Anyway, I love this picture. O_o;;

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