Samantha Lynn

Somewhere Down the Road
Somewhere Down the Road by @Samantha_Lynn (Samantha Lynn)

All right!! School's started and stuff, but I got this and one other done a few days ago and just never got a chance to put them up. So here they are!!

This is Blu and Pon, embracing after he's been told he has to go off and be the Tallest. It's a hard separation for both of them, but Pon is still hopeful. The lyrics next to them are Barry Manilow's "Somewhere Down The Road", and the first time I heard it I knew it was their song. It expresses perfectly what Pon is thinking.

If only I could put music to this picture...It's such a beautiful song...

Anyway, Blu and Pon are kept from ever truely mating, but they never stop loving each other. And they see each other often, after Pon takes the job in the Nursery. And I'm running out of time to get the second pic up, so I'll stop babbling now. ^_^ Enjoy! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Lynn

Finished Work
21y296d ago
Other Work By @Samantha_Lynn

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 05 September, 2002 @ 10:41 PM

I must be telepathic or something....I'm drawing a picture very similar to this one! (Yes! I really like this little story thing you came up for them, so I think you should write an actual fic on it!!! Ooh! And I wanna know what Pon's nurse's uniform looks like!! I must know!!) Its of after, and they are remembering and...stuff...

Lol...ANYWAY! searches for that song I really like this picture!! Its soooo sweet! ^_^ Keep up these great drawings!

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