Julie Ottosen

Creature of the Earth
Creature of the Earth by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

This is OnnaArda. He's not really a flesh 'lupe' He's more of a jumble of trees and things in the form of a wolf/lupe. He belongs to my friends Eve and Jo, but I liked the sound of him so much, I wanted to draw him. I hope you two like how he looks so far! XD;; I think he looks cool myself. There's a big ol' story behind him that I'm not at liberty to tell (or even really have time to explain) but yeah.

So um.. there you are.

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

21y146d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (14)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 25 January, 2003 @ 02:02 PM

wee first to comment. wood?wood?...o_O...MUST CHOP WOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!reeee reee reeeeeeeeeeeeeMWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAA!!!!me evwil....it kool...i need a scanner!!!

Posted: Saturday, 25 January, 2003 @ 02:05 PM

Wow o.o Just wow.This is great!^^ It looks like a jumble of bushes and stuff as well as a lupe.I was reading the picture description thing as the picture loaded and was thinking,"wonder how she can manage this?"And I saw it and well..you can do anything if you try,Im sure^^

Posted: Saturday, 25 January, 2003 @ 04:03 PM

Whooooooooooaaaaaaaaaa!!!That is sooooooooo kewl!!!!!!!awesome!Keep it up gurl!!

Posted: Saturday, 25 January, 2003 @ 06:53 PM

Woooo! XD Very very good art! Sniffles I so jealous. I luff drawing wolves and lupahs, but this is, ermn... Unique o_O In a good way! ^^ This very cool. Keep up the good work!

Posted: Saturday, 25 January, 2003 @ 09:09 PM

Wow, I love this pic. It reminds me of an Ent, you know, in LOTR. But it's a lupe-Ent........yeah.

Posted: Sunday, 26 January, 2003 @ 11:12 AM

hey, COOL!! ^^ i love his tail and maine thing, all viney hehe, hes neat and i hope ur frends likey him, i do!

Posted: Sunday, 26 January, 2003 @ 02:51 PM

squeals with joy!!! You really did draw Arda!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE ^^ I LOVE it!! now... to do his winter and sping and fall look..... lol!!! j/k ^^ hehehe and he looks all so powerful ^^ can feel his power already I can't wait to rp him now ^^ JO!!! when can we get the ball rollin on the you-know-what??!!!!! stares in awe of Arda and Julie O_O =D the mane wasn't what I was thinking... but WOW that works probably WAY better!!!! don't change it ^^ well... color would be nice.... but tis AMAZING!!!! (as usual ^^) and I like how you did his feet ^^ remembers the brain hurtage thinking of what to do for that hehehe I like how ur brain works tho Jules ^^ huggles LOTS!!!! thankyouthankyouthankyou THANK YOU!!!!!

Posted: Monday, 27 January, 2003 @ 07:28 PM

::stares in awe:: WOW....! ::kicks midterms:: Darn you all! Why must you prevent me from getting the ball rolling on the you-know-what?! Well...I'll have some time to rp today due to physics midterm being over...So hopefully it'll get going today : )

Posted: Wednesday, 29 January, 2003 @ 08:04 PM

Whaaahaaow... stares Eveh, Jo, where are you rping him? ponders Yes, color and shading would be nice... huggles Arda He ish so cool!

Posted: Thursday, 30 January, 2003 @ 06:11 PM

Wow. I LOVE him! I must say Julie, that it would be neato do to other season versions like him too like Eve suggested. And yes I understand you can't if you don't have the time. I get that feeling a lot. lol. But he would look neato in the other seasons type things. If you don't mind me saying this, I think this style, just the way you drew him and all, would really work for your lupes. Well, no earthy things but you get what I mean right? o_0 ah well anyways, the pic is GREAT!

Posted: Thursday, 30 January, 2003 @ 09:55 PM

It looks abseolutely stunning...so creative...so detailed...it stands out Jules...^^...this is unique and so is the lupe's form and such...

Posted: Thursday, 06 February, 2003 @ 07:08 PM

Ya know,when I first read the despription of this piccie,I thought "HA!This will be good!Nobody can rightfully make that combo!" I guess I waz wrong,cuz YOU did it,Jules,ONLY you could pull this off! It would look really good with shading and color*wink wink nudge nudge*

Posted: Thursday, 06 February, 2003 @ 11:41 PM

yes yes, it will be colored, eventually. I am working on it. XD Busy life and all.. I'm tired and need a break. snore Thank goodness for the weekend. XD

Posted: Thursday, 06 February, 2003 @ 07:30 PM

o.o That ish soo good!! And I luve his look too... hugs tail for some reason I like it zee best. koff xD So yeah... I hope see the colored version soon :D

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