Pretty! I love his shiny red eye, and the reflection on his equally pretty SCALES! love
Ancalagon by @lynne (Lynne)
Okay, here is the reason I came home from college for the weekend.. I wanted to get this guy scanned and colored. And here he is! Originally based on Tolkien's Ancalagon from the Silmarillion, this is really more someone else; this is KidK's Dragon buddy. u.u Headvoice. Sorta. keeps conclusions to self He's a bit different from the one in the Silmarillion. He likes Bach :D
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8D WOW!! Ish mister 15th headvoice himself, the mighty Ancalagonnnnnn (spooky echo voice)! I do so loce the way you drew him! Ah yeah, so much better than mine, just as I thought. u.u; huggles You the Dragonartist, girlfriend. He looks so mysterious and powerful. @.@ O'course, the fire and its glowy reflection helps that effect. PRIMARY COLORS!!! runs around in circles And yes, we do so love the Bach. u.u And also some other classical pieces reminiscent of flying. o.o hugs again I thank you for inspiring me to try and bring Ancalagon to full headvoice status. He's great to have around...balances out the chaotic mess of my other little friends. And of course he is there to remind me to keep calm in scary situations involving being lost on city streets. =B But you knew that. Next time I draw Ancalagon I must draw scales. Must!
Huh...I just realized how odd it is that I have so many Irken and human headvoices, and now a Dragon...but no wolf. o.o Funny, that.
This picture speaks volumes to me! Particularly eye-catching is the reflection of the lighting on the dragon's body and surroundings. Extremely life-like and the shading, along with the choices of color are remarkable! I hope to see more artwork like this from you in the near future!