Rika Jordan Kennedy

Ties of Love
Ties of Love by @TigerGirl (Rika Jordan Kennedy)

YAY! After taking like two weeks to finish it, I finally got this one done! ...okay, stopping that now. Brian runs the Hogwarts dream in Furc and also plays Sirius Black/Padfoot (funny thing is he also plays Harry Potter. xD Oh well, it works for us). He was bummed one day a while back so I told him I would draw a picture of Sirius and his IC girlfriend, Laura. Unforutnately because I got the job at Adobe RIGHT after I promised him this, it took me a little longer then planned. And I wanted to do a little more of an artistic background, so I put the pillar and the ribbons in, and that took nearly 8 hours total to draw and ink. But it turned out really good in the end, and Brian loves it. ^.^ (Unfortunately a few weeks after I posted this, Laura also left Furcadia. :[ We miss you too, Laura. 'specially Brian.) Artwork © Copyright 2003 Rika Jordan Kennedy

Finished Work
21y90d ago
Other Work By @TigerGirl

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 12 April, 2003 @ 01:19 AM

Oh my! So cute!!! You can draw a front-on muzzle....... o o;; twitches Lot's of details on this. Very purdy effect with the ribbons! ^^ And I really really like the clothing! o-o I happy that yous are happy that Paddy is happy of your happy drawing of happiness. ^_^

Posted: Tuesday, 10 June, 2003 @ 10:55 PM

Aaww...so cute..the memories..Sniffs Poor Bri..

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