El Thorvaldo Moderator

New Year's Insurgency
New Year's Insurgency by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My 11th submission to DYOS X.ii. [link]

There is a very real probability that had Czciborycz stood his ground, the invasion of Earth would have been averted. As this comic highlights, and future battles would confirm, Space Nazi tactics were virtually non-existent: they lost troops at an ungodly rate, and subsequent conquests were achieved almost exclusively through a momentum that petered out after France. But, as this was largely @GenMarshall's subplot, I was compelled to play along.

Highlighting the aforementioned bone-headedness of their military strategy, Hickten strikes in winter without proper camouflage. The Polish troops are also unseasonal, but this is because I specifically wanted Polish troops for this scene, and non-USA/non-Russia third-party winter-based add-ons are exceptionally rare.

Panel 6 is the first display of the Eastern Union's federal flag in DYOS 10.5, although it technically first appeared in the '09 Christmas Special.

The italicized text is the original Wendat lyrics to the "Huron Carol".

Operation Flashpoint/ArmA: Cold War Assault © Bohemia Interactive.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt February 2012.]

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