Al Gonzalez

Nothing Lasts Forever
Nothing Lasts Forever by @JesterAG (Al Gonzalez)

Here's a beauty from the past. This image was actually a team effort. This was some heavy duty Photoshop and Illustrator work by myself, and the character outlines were sketched out by another artist. I inked those lines and colored the final charater art.

I am very happy with this one. It's so depressing, yet beautiful. I tried to bury a double meaning into this image, one positive and one negative.

I do have to say, though, that i really botched up the inking on the female character, which I hate to this very day. It's the ugliest thing in the image amidst some very nice stuff. ugh. I really need to re-visit this image again and draw her the way she was sketched out by the other artist.

So yeah, I love this one, here's hoping you all do.

Finished Work
20y110d ago
Other Work By @JesterAG

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Tuesday, 17 February, 2004 @ 05:27 AM

great pic full of atmosphere. like the LEGENDS logo!

Posted: Saturday, 28 February, 2004 @ 10:02 AM

Thanks! That logo went through quite an evolution to get to where it was, too.

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