Al Gonzalez

Alexandrie - Rough Design
Alexandrie - Rough Design by @JesterAG (Al Gonzalez)

A rough character sketch for an animation concept currenty titled 'Project #4.' For more info see my character section.

Alas, I have never been able to figure out how to draw women and I don't think I ever will at this rate. sigh Oh well, on to the description.

This gal is supposed to be a professional motorcyclist, so I started playing with some swimsuit-esque designs and eventually settled on a kind of one peice swimsuit with long sleeves. All the dark shapes on her suit are sponsorship patches, and her helmet will probably have a few, as well.

The pants I just kinda toyed with not really knowing what I was gonna do. All I knew was that it needed to be tight for riding and I wanted it to be semi-sexy.

The boots are something I'm quite fond of. Heck, if they existed, I'd so wear those while riding my future Vespa.

I'm happy with the final costume design, so now I just need to figure out how to draw women's bodies correctly. @_@ Any volunteers for models? :p -AG III

Rough / Concept
20y91d ago
Other Work By @JesterAG

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Saturday, 13 March, 2004 @ 05:41 PM

Interesting motorcycling attire...

Ah, don't worry, you'll get women eventually... The only advice I can give you is that women, even realistically drawn women, have much softer features then men do... Her mouth wouldn't be quite that big, I don't think, and her nose would definitely be much smaller. She also would have a more slender neck and body (the legs are fine, since they're covered by pants)... And maybe a more feminine hairstyle? Unless you want her to look fairly tomboyish. She actually looks kind of feminine in the sideview picture you have up near the top--the little ponytail really helps...

Just keep practicing, okay? I'm sure you can do it!

Posted: Sunday, 21 March, 2004 @ 11:36 AM

Thanks for the encouragement. I think my main problem is that I don't know how breasts work, so I can't draw a body properly. After all, it's not like I go cruising around staring at peoples' breasts all dy. :p

As for the face, She actually is supposed to be VERY tomboy-ish. I wanted to approach her design like a typical male lead rather than a female lead. Her personality is supposed to be very masculine. In fact, the only thing that should make her different than a man is the way she looks.

It's kinda hard to get my point across without some illustrations, though, which I'm working on. Some stuff with her riding her Vespa while swinging a sword, shooting, fighting, etc.

Posted: Wednesday, 24 March, 2004 @ 05:17 PM

Yeah, I can see your problem... ^^;;;;; You really can't study women's breasts without them thinking you're nuts or a pervert or something... ^^;;;; Have you tried an anatomy book? Some artists use them for drawing purposes to study the human figure...

Ah, so she is a tomboy... I guess all she'd need in the face is a slightly softer look so you can tell she's a tomboyish female...

I'm looking forward to your future drawings!

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