Thank you very much for the comment and constructive critism. I appreciate it.
I think I understand what you mean by the lines, but I'm not sure. I've tried to make them all the same consistancy, but I guess it's carelessness that makes them so awkward. I've never tried to color without the lines before, if that's what you meant. I always use the magic wand with my program so I'm not off... but I might try it sometime.
Thanks again for the comment. I worked hard and long on the picture, and I'm very glad someone likes it.
This is a very good image--a very original style seems to be well, originating here! I actually think this might look better if you 'lost' the outlines--not entirely, but if you made them a little darker than the things they are outlining, it might give it an interesting effect--right now, the lines seem a little abrupt compared to the sensitive shading--which I really, really like.
I also like her expression. She looks like someone's taken her photo when she was smiling at someone else, jumping up and having fun. Really a fun, friendly image!