Julie Ottosen

the rest
the rest by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

Okay, I drew the rest of Tinello's kids when I was at work. I drew them all seperately, but I didn't want to upload each pic seperately, so I just put them all together as one picture as so. The one on the top is Skylar, the one on the bottom left is Dawn and the starry one there is Cher. These are Oz's siblings. ^^; (Tinello and Midnight's 4th litter)

So yeah, there you go. heh. ^^

I tried something diff w/ the girls, and made them slimmer looking, w/ thinner legs and bodies, just for something different. ^^

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Rough / Concept
21y67d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (15)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 01 April, 2003 @ 04:20 PM

aw, sweet! one at top is the best. the others, i know your trying the change in femme figures, but its a tad too skinny really, like they've not been fed... :S but they're very sweet apart from that :)

Posted: Tuesday, 01 April, 2003 @ 06:57 PM

Eh.. picky picky picky. ~sigh~ Guess I should stop trying new things... it never works... -_-;

But thanx for the comment.

Posted: Tuesday, 01 April, 2003 @ 05:56 PM

OO they purdy looking...the one on the top Skylar his nose is a bit funky i think ?_? but i like how they work yes the lupess look purdy too. Simple but simple is good on lupe if there design is too complicationg it get too confusing. I cant wait to see it colored hint hint nudge nudge =]

Posted: Tuesday, 01 April, 2003 @ 07:07 PM

ooh I like your new style for the femmes they are purdy hehe. They look really great. Color them soon. I really want to see them that way and don't change the femmes they look fine

Posted: Tuesday, 01 April, 2003 @ 08:07 PM

OMG they are adorible!!!!!!i want one! ^^ hehehe j/k (probably knew that lolz)but they are so cute!is there any chance my lupe could meet dawn?shes adorible (they all are but i love those little markings!)

Posted: Tuesday, 01 April, 2003 @ 09:22 PM

I rp Cher and Oz, Midnight's owner (Tinello's mate) rps Dawn and Sky, so if you want to meet Dawn, you'll have to figure out how to get ahold of her. Not me. ^^; sorry. but thanx for the kind words. =D

Posted: Tuesday, 01 April, 2003 @ 09:15 PM

Awww, they all look so cute! You come up with great designs for lupes. Personally, I don't think that the femmes look too skinny. In fact, I think they look just right. Have you ppl ever seen a Pincher or a Weimaranier? Those dogs have EXTREMELY skinny mid sections. Her female lupes would look fat next to one of those breeds of dogs. (I should know, I have over 70 dogs). Anyway, one thing I do have to say.... Cher's front legs seem set too far ahead, like she pushing her shoulders more out in front of her or something. Besides that, it looke great! Keep it up!

Posted: Tuesday, 01 April, 2003 @ 09:25 PM

Or greyhounds, those are damn skinny dogs.. >>;

I thought something looked funky about Chers legs. ^^;; thanx for helping me out w/ that. heh. ^^ Better than just saying "she looks funky" koff (that doesn't help) Anyways.. heh, thanx again, yep. ^^

Posted: Tuesday, 01 April, 2003 @ 10:43 PM

Ohhh! Wow! I LOVE this!!!! huggles everything! Dawn and Cher are the cutest! Specially Dawn!!! ^_^ WONDERFUL job! I can't wait to see this colored!

Posted: Wednesday, 02 April, 2003 @ 04:05 PM

Hey! I have one question. Isn't Tinello's wife, Midnight, dead? I remember a pic with her dead in it. I was really surprised and now I'm really confused. the piccy is really cute! I like the new femme look. :)

Posted: Wednesday, 02 April, 2003 @ 11:08 PM

no, she is not dead, but she did die. She came back, er.. somehow. You need to pay attention to Tin's descript.. lol. Anyways.. so yeah. She's alive.

Oh, and thanx. I need some reinforcment on the look of the femmes... thanx. ^^

Posted: Wednesday, 02 April, 2003 @ 05:06 PM

They are so AWESOME!! They're adorable! This one DEFINITELY needs to be colored. ^_^ I think the new change looks wonderful Jules. Oh and jet3270, you're wrong. They DO look fed and healthy. I think the new female look helps a bit more to tell that's it a female lupe and not male. So gggrrr....on the rest of you. Don't make me bite you! Ahem Anyway, Julie the pic is great and keep on changing things! Yeah some people might not think it looks the best but they might not be an amazing artist like you and hey it's YOUR art not their's! :)

Posted: Tuesday, 08 April, 2003 @ 12:04 AM

Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have to color it!!!!

Posted: Wednesday, 09 April, 2003 @ 05:04 PM

OMIGAWD!!! They ish so cute glomps heehee Hewoo Puppy!!! waves like an idiot Hey Jules...Mesa gots some pups to MatrixOmen, Vingince, Paiyotai (Raiyder and Ka's Pups) Zeneji, Aurora_darkcrest, Ibanez_blaze, Trizcon, Shaynoloris, Zoranale, Shoremaso (ZAhra and Tam's)...They cute...Wanna rp them some time? lol...Mesa just a shoe and Skizzy ish mesa's only rp person basicly..lol..

Posted: Saturday, 19 April, 2003 @ 01:09 PM

Wow! This is awsome! Aree they all grown up already?

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