Solo Lobo

Introducing the one and only Wrench!
Introducing the one and only Wrench! by @sololobo (Solo Lobo)

OHMIGAWD, I actually colored something....WITH COLORED PENCILS!!!!! WHAT is this world coming to?! Yea, anyway, this is Wrench. She was inspired by Kelly Osbourne's daughter's "wicked-cool" hair style. I kinda screwed up on the hair (because some of it looks like it's shooting up from nowhere) but I never was very good with hair, anyway. I'm quite satisfied with this one, 'speyshully 'cause I never use colored pencils.

Uhm, the low-down on Wrench...she's a gray fox (yes, they DO exist), a pothead, a raver, loves glowsticks (naturally), has tounge and ear peircings (which you can't see in this one, because I forgot the ear peircings >.<), is never without her 1-legged teddy, has spikey/dyed hair, loves chickens, and is a skitzophrenic (sp?). Giver her a hand, boys and girs! (Also note that she was no eyes.....woooo...but only 'cause I forgot them. Or didn't feel like putting them there yet. Or maybe Freddy stole them....yesh...) And she has green pants because I said so.

This was drawn in pencil, inked (with a caligraphy pen! Eeeee what fun!), and "raped" with colored pencils.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Solo Lobo

Finished Work
22y177d ago
Other Work By @sololobo

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Wednesday, 16 January, 2002 @ 02:36 PM

gives a hand for wrench Awesome Mary! _ I think the hair kicks a**

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