El Thorvaldo Moderator

Flag of the Black Horde
Flag of the Black Horde by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

The "Great Oceanic Khanate of the Black Horde" was a nominal splinter cell of the Taillenian army spearheading the invasion of Russia during the Third Flame War in DRAW Your Own Story VI. In reality, it was a front for Genghis Khan, who shortly afterwards ceased mental possession of taillesskangaru in favour of physical possession, i.e. imprisonment. It went on to serve as a faction in its own right, varyingly for and against the protagonists, and was most recently seen as part of the cameo conga during the climax of DYOS X. In Part II, choxorn uncovered evidence suggesting the Black Horde had springboarded its conquests through an armoury seized from Mr. Toyoda.

Originally uploaded to the DYOS Wiki in 2019 in three variants, based on Paint-quality sources from taillesskangaru's comics. The preview here is technically non-canon, using a 2:1 ratio and colours based on the current Mongolian flag; the package includes the original brighter hues and the ratio commonly seen in-thread. Ironically, hitherto we had used a placeholder image of the Nine Bands to represent the Horde's flag in infoboxes.

Download submitted to DeviantArt September 2022; alternative download available via Patreon.

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