Jessica Padkin

Vertigo the Machine
Vertigo the Machine by @jesspadk (Jessica Padkin)

Well, this is one of the bosses from the villain game, a deranged roller coaster called Vertigo. He's normally a massive machine, but he can sort of rearrange his structure, and managed to make himself look reasonably human here.

See, I had a wonderful idea for this picture, but once I drew the main bit in the foreground (ie, this), I noticed how eye-pokingly and wrist-slashingly bad it was, so I doubt I'll actually finish the pic now.

It's really frustrating you know, having ideas without the talent to carry them out...

22y258d ago
Other Work By @jesspadk

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 19 January, 2002 @ 05:55 PM

I don't think it's wrist-slashingly bad at all - far from it! I love the detail you've got, all that Elsonesque technology, and lots of cool little details (the hanging key near the top-right - what's that about?!). The central character has a sort of manic air about him that works really well. The picture has real character. I also love the way it has depth. Anyway, nice one Jess! I hope you produce wrist-slashingly bad stuff more often. :)

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