El Thorvaldo Moderator

Escalada by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My 32nd submission to DYOS VI.

I can't remember the exact sequence of events, but when Mjcommie was released from mind control, Richtofen turned on the unit working with the pirates. My guess is that Stylesrj hadn't really read my comics properly, and so missed the crucial qualifier that they were trying to find out what happened to Richtofen. The Circus and the Pirates had been off to a rocky start, but it was this crucial miscommunication that doomed the peace and led to what became an international war.

As can be gleaned from my chat with Bjørn, tensions were also escalating elsewhere, and the war on CurtSibling hadn't even started. As for this mysterious 'other' project, it received a couple of prototype sketches long predating my emergence as a hand-drawer in DYOS 10 (coincidentally alongside an early idea for introducing Toyoda into the comic; Good God, has he changed since then). I haven't directly referenced this project beyond this comic, but rest assured, I have never forgotten it. Stay tuned to a possible call-back in PwP.

Rise of Nations © Big Huge Games.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt May 2013.]

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