Li Chi Son

Behold!! My obsession with gothic (mild) clothing arises!
Behold!! My obsession with gothic (mild) clothing arises! by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Hehehhehe! I love drawing Eternal Creator's hair.....((aka EC for short))

Too bad I don't even know the colour of his hair and eyes yet tho. He's not my character at all, he was delicately invented by a good online friend called Divim. Been rping with him for 2-3 years....he got a life tho, unlike me :P

hearts his hair is horibly enjoyable to draw, but very easy to make a mistake....go figure, nothing's easy....

Ahhh..comments, his "sleeve" is supposed to be a huge ring or somehting like that that's not connected with the bottom of the shirt....don't ask how it works...it just does (makes a funny evil glares at the readers) Can't seem to complain about anytihng else cept not to stare at the picture too long, they automatically distort themselves for some reason.....--....((maybe it's my magic or something...........what magic you ask? More like I pour my heart and soul into my artwork to bring them life through their eyes alone....^^))

Gosh..he looks very mellow....not the angry look he has on 99.99999% of the time. No scowling lines between his eyebrows = less angry look and more hunky(sexy)-happy-poo look!

ARGH! I can't hide their((all three gods)) fangs anymore!! IT HAS TO STICK OUT!!!! pants from screaming

Earring is now stretched and not as thick. ((the long drop earring)).

Necklace is inspired by Kaori Yuki, artist that drew 'Angel Sanctuary', 'Boys Next Door', and many other great mangas/yaoi doujinshis. Kaori Yuki is becoming another artist that I really worship....CLAMP(X, Card Captor Sakura, RG Veda) is another, Hajime Yatate(Gundam Series including Gundam Wing), Shigeru Miyamoto(Legend of Zelda: OoT and Majora's Mask artist), Yoshihiro Togashi(Hunter x Hunter and Yu Yu Hakusho) and many many yaoi doujinshi artists (Sihan Ichinomiya to name one of them)

OK ok, enough gibberish. Enjoy! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
22y98d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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