Li Chi Son

Hehehhehe, just for you Terramoon!
Hehehhehe, just for you Terramoon! by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Meet the Noamuth, Trowa's past life persona. The warlord type that roams around taking whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Hehheheh, YEAH!! hugs hugs hugs......gets poked in the throat with his sword oh oh.....

I guess he doesn't like huggies.......not from me anyways....maybe from Quatre....or Quatre's past life persona, Quarion....still need to revamp him a bit before I get it just right.....scrambled through her head sketches of Quarion sooo many!!! Can't decide....

sighs loving the Quatre and Trowa coupling... Hey, I'm a yaoi fan, what did you expect??

I DID invent two bishonen and stick them together >:D


Finished Work
22y102d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 15 May, 2002 @ 06:43 PM

Woo hoo! First comment! * does a little dance and then coughs* anywho, your rendition of Trowa's past life I HAVE to say is extremely HOT! and I MUST Say I want! But learneing from your hugging example...I think I shant tackle him in huggles.

Great pic!

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