Dead Days 5/17/02 by @deaddays (John Rios)
Hey Look, not only is it NEW ART, but it's a new "Dead Days" to boot! You are pleased with this deal I am giving you no? Yes. Anyway, just wanted to apologize for not posting ANY art for a few days! I'm not dead. I've just had Star Wars fever. No really, I'm sweating profusely. I saw it on Wednesday night at Midnight (technically Thursday morning) at the very first showing! It was FAAANTASTIC!!! It was so good in fact that I went to see it again last night at 11:00 PM with Shellie (She loves Star Wars. Whatta find eh? Men, eat your hearts out) and we had a blast. Every Star Wars fan will crap their pants with glee. I've had this Dead Day's drawn for a few days now, I just haven't had a chance to put it together and post it. But it's here now. Enjoy. Artwork © Copyright 2002 John Rios
Hey you are alive!! erhem yeah... hooray! another Dead Days!!... this comic allways cheers me up!