Aki Tan

Peace On Earth
Peace On Earth by @boredslacker (Aki Tan)

And Good will towards all men... My Xmas design for 2004, which looks at the feminine aspect of Xmas. The blue shawl is meant to hint at Mary, since in most early Christian art, she was portrayed wearing a blue shawl.

Finished Work
19y137d ago
Other Work By @boredslacker

Comments & Critiques (4)

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Posted: Friday, 17 December, 2004 @ 02:36 PM

That light blue used to be called 'the virgin blue' just because of its association with Mary. It is a beautiful, pure blue--more pure than white, I think, personally. It's interesting you would bring that up, since in some areas of France, they believed Mary had red hair, as your character here does. I think you've done a very nice job of putting these Christian elements together to make a beautiful holiday card-type, I really like the alter-ish area behind her and the way it seems to have stained glass. My favorite part would have to be her hair, however--the individual strands are very well rendered. You need a little more work on the hands, though--they need a bit more shape and more individuality in each of the fingers. Hands are a pain in the butt to draw, and I'm STILL horrible at them, so I apologise for not being able to give you any better help than that. Happy holidays to you, and I wish you luck and inspiration in the coming year!

Posted: Friday, 17 December, 2004 @ 08:27 PM

Hmmm.... could be some subconscious residue from a book I read, which I think mentioned the virgin blue and with a red-haired protagonist. :p The funny thing is that I can't remember the title....

Thanks for the comment though! I'm glad you think the strands were well done, because it didn't come out quite the way I wanted in PS. ( THen again, what ever does? ) And yes, I SUCK at hands too, that's why I left them simple like that. Any more detail and everyone'd probably think she had bandages on or something......

Happy holidays to you too!

Posted: Saturday, 01 January, 2005 @ 12:12 PM

Very nice! you should turn this into a xmas card......

Posted: Sunday, 02 January, 2005 @ 11:09 AM

I know but it was too late to print by the time I finished it... :p instead I entered it for the monthly contest but nothing seems to have come out of it so shrugs

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