Michelle Pollard

Itttss  TESSSSSSSS!!!!!!  NO!  Mercury you idiot!  She's not suppose to be cute!!!!!
Itttss TESSSSSSSS!!!!!! NO! Mercury you idiot! She's not suppose to be cute!!!!! by @michpoll (Michelle Pollard)

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! My scanner turned the color purple, blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE MY SCANNNERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Mua ha! Tessy! Pic exchange with Lisa Jorgensen, she's like 14 and younger than me and betttterrrrrr than me! (Actually 1 year, 7 months, and 21 days younger, but nyeh =P BTW, Sorry for the similair pose, I didn't mean to... when I drew her I lost the ref. pic x.x Ah well, the pose isn't TOO much the same =P)

Okie, I messed up on this, I know a lot of places... it's just that when I was drawing it I TRIED to fix the mess ups, but I couldn't. Ah well, I shall get better--or blame my mistakes on Nothing! He's my friend, completely invisble and made of air. ^_^ Yeah! gets hit in the head by a flying puppy x.o

BTW, my scanner is a piece of crap so the colors look 500x better in rl x.o Okie, okie, I'm shutting up!

Okie, I'm getting the other pic exchanges done... Err I already pened (sp?) the one of Jessica Ratté's pic... I just.. er.. got to color itt x.o

MERCURY SHUTUP!!!!!! okie okie, NYEH!

kitty kitty meow =P

Finished Work
22y296d ago
Other Work By @michpoll

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 18 September, 2001 @ 09:55 PM

Oooo.. I like the coloring technique... It looks a little unfinished in places somehow... Though I can't put my finger on it and it might just be that scanner issue. But, anyways, as a whole, I love the technique... the way you handled the fur and her hair... and her leg... It's nice and three-dimensional... and.. and... just purdy. Love the character's look too.

Posted: Wednesday, 26 September, 2001 @ 05:19 PM

THAT PICTURE -SO- ROX!!! BIG BODDA BOO-PUM BIG TIME!!! XD I love dis piccu. I don't care if the scanner chewed it up! (seriously, if the RL one is better... IT MUST BE GODLY! Because this is goooooooooooodness! XD) all fer me too! :>

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