Lissa B. Treiman

animation!! by @LissaBT (Lissa B. Treiman)

wow... it's been a while since i've posted stuff here! part of it is due to laziness on my part... i haven't been doing that much (i jsut got back from a weekend of camping... i drew many, many squirrels). My absence can also be attributed to my time spent on deviantart.com . I'll still be posting stuff here, but they have an archive that caters more twards commissions and such.

so yeah! as to the acctual post, it's a baby version of my dragon-thing... and it's skipping! huzzah! animation's pretty jumpy... i did this in Imageready, a program that i only recently discovered much to my delight, that i owned! you learn something new everyday... go figure... so remember... it's very rough and poorly timed.. i'll fix it, i swear! in the meantime, be kind :) Artwork © Copyright 2002 Lissa B. Treiman

Rough / Concept
22y11d ago
Other Work By @LissaBT

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 27 August, 2002 @ 04:21 PM

It may be a little jumpy, but ehhhh-hey! You gots animator potential! Look at the flow of the character; elegant swoopie curves there, it enhances the movement. (applauds)

Oy, I spent many a night animating a friend of mine...took about a week, I'm still coloring the cels to put it together. Got.....three left. Oh yes.


Posted: Monday, 07 October, 2002 @ 06:11 PM

Y' Cuteness says How much cuter can this get? NONE !!!! IT'S SOOOO CUTE!

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