Sondra Blockman

Young Edward Scissorhands
Young Edward Scissorhands by @Sondra (Sondra Blockman)

Who doesnt love that puppy dawg face? omg johnny depp is so hott!. This was just a really quick pic i did of edward prunning his garden. Alone sniff sniff his hands are so friggin complicated I always end up wingin it :(.

Finished Work
20y102d ago
Other Work By @Sondra

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 21 March, 2004 @ 04:34 PM

That's very very beautiful. I love Eddy Scissorhands =3 I really like the shading on his clothes and I love his face and hair - reminds me a little bit to Battle Angel Alita, yet he really does look like Johnny Depp himself. And you're right about his hands: they are very hard to draw. I've been trying to draw him for the last mouth, but never really got close to the character's feel...especially his hands looked really messed up. But yours look fine. I'm loving this piece, really! Keep up the great work! ^_^

And thank you for the comment on my alien piccie =3

Posted: Friday, 26 March, 2004 @ 10:37 PM

YAY!!! What a cutie! I love your idea for a background. It's wonderful! Guess what! The leather..........actually looks like leather! ^_~ Heh, heh, heh. Keep it up. Your art work is looking better and better. But I must say that the original is much better than this scan. Is there any artist out their that doesn't hate their scanner?

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