Sondra Blockman

Don't Go..
Don't Go.. by @Sondra (Sondra Blockman)

You have to be crazy if you dont like the movie EDWARD SCISSORHANDS....its so creative, fun and beautiful...it makes me cry everytime I see the friggin movie. I've been wondering what would happen if edward came back to see Kim (or visa versa) I DONT understand why they didnt stay together!! its so sad... I wish time would freeze just for them. Or if she could see him one more time..

Finished Work
20y79d ago
Other Work By @Sondra

Comments & Critiques (4)

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Posted: Tuesday, 23 March, 2004 @ 06:47 PM

NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! he left her and never came back???!!!

(I actually haven't seen the movie yet. but I'm always on the way.)

beautiful picture. and really sad. I really love the detales in this picture. great job!!!

Posted: Wednesday, 24 March, 2004 @ 02:01 AM

Yes, they never saw each other again!! but watch the movie...its very good! Thanks for the comment, i tried to do as much detail as i could with them but the background was really slammed in quick. Thanks again

Posted: Wednesday, 04 August, 2004 @ 09:52 PM

So sweet! I normally only comment on pictures that haven't received comments, but this was too sweet! You've really captured the sadness and emotion of "Kedward" relationship. Not to mention it's a stupidly well drawn picture! Both items of clothing are created very well. Did you use a photo reference?

sigh If only Kim left her dipweed boyfriend earlier on sigh

Posted: Thursday, 05 August, 2004 @ 12:35 PM

Well thank you very much then! :D i love edward scissorhands so much...YOUre right! whey didnt she leave that fag earlier!?..pshh, cheerleaders. but there was a reference...It was a edward and kim statue that i wished i owned. I saw a picture of the figure on the net and i just had to draw it. Its a tad bit different tho. Thanks for commenting! :D

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