B Sanders

Sudian Air Force Seal
Sudian Air Force Seal by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

This is the seal of the Sudian Air Force or Sudian Airstrat (Sudioyoe Jeimhob), officially known as the Aerostratos Service of Sudio (Solz: Sudio ma Jeimhobazhyoe Lunwoed). Sudio, a nation of southern Irad, was one of many nations that had allowed the Yutsha Republic to completely supplant their military with resources from the republic and reduced their military strength into what was known as the Sudian National Militia, which was a form of national guard rather than a full military force. So, when the Yutsha Republic was dissolved, Sudio had to scramble to reestablish its own military, especially in light of the fact that Sudian leadership never got along with its non-Yutsha neighbors. The air force did not emerge immediately, as Sudio had to focus on restoring its army and navy in order to defend itself. Sudio eventually combined the air guard function of both army and navy to put together the air force, and it took fifteen years after the republic dissolved to build the air force into its own, independent branch.

The silhouette in the middle is an AE-23 "Cok", which was the first model of fighter craft that was officially branded with the airstrat's colors. The eye-in-shield in the bottom left corner is a recurring symbol for armed services in Sudio, not just the military. Arrows are a recurring motif in the airstrat's heraldry, as many of the Airstrat's bases and units (mainly the combat wings) use them. The outer triangle reads "Aerostratos Service of Sudio". The word on the left of the aircraft is "vigilance" (pshaiçte) while the word on the opposite side is "daring" (goesbalh).

© 2024 B Sanders

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Sunday, 18 February, 2024 @ 05:17 AM
Rating: 5

Awesome work.

Posted: Monday, 19 February, 2024 @ 05:21 AM

@VerseOfDreams: Thank you.

Posted: Monday, 19 February, 2024 @ 05:56 AM

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