Fireseeker Arts

BUT IF I'M WEAK, I CAN'T PROTECT YOU + SPEEDPAINT [March 26, 2016] by @Fireseeker_Arts (Fireseeker Arts)

This is the second installment of my high-school narrative piece. In this installment, the girl realizes that she cannot rely on people too much for protection. While others can keep you safe, they are not invincible. They too can struggle or get hurt by monsters. It's honestly one of my biggest fears and insecurities where I feel that if I am not strong, I am unable to help the loved ones that have helped me all throughout those years. Not to say that it's a bad thing to get support from them but you just never know when you would be on your own or if you are able to help them you know? So, taking a lamp and her spear, the girl ventures out into the night, to go on her own journey to train herself to be strong. Looking back at it now, it kinda fascinates me why I chose a spear for this representation for myself. At the time because I was working these pieces out of order, it was a reference of two of my pieces. One which is the third installment and the other was the 11th (realized there were 12 pieces) installment where a more powerful version of the girl slays Incertus. Not only that but both of those pieces were inspired by paintings I admired, where one was a Joan of Arc painting and the other was a Gabriel painting. Unfortunately I will not be showing the ninth piece on here. It's not a piece I entirely like from this series. Maybe at the time i thought the spear was a cool little reference to those paintings and it is a unique weapon. But little did I know that it will come to play in the future..

Speedpaint of the piece: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k1eGdlui08&ab_channel=FireseekerA47

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