Fireseeker Arts

BUT HOW CAN I BE STRONG, GUARDIAN ANGEL? + SPEEDPAINT [January 11, 2016] by @Fireseeker_Arts (Fireseeker Arts)

So while technically this was my third installment of the piece this was the first one that I had made chronologically. This narrative sorta evolved overtime as I worked on it. Originally I wanted to base it off of various paintings of angels I took inspiration from but alas, it changed. Anywho, I bring my third installment of the narrative piece. This was actually the piece that led me to want to create the story in the first place. It was inspired by a painting known as "Jeanne D' Arc" by Eugene Thirion.

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Even though it depicts Jeanne's heavenly visions, destined to lead armies to war, a part of me saw it as a hero's journey, where the hero meets with a mentor character and helps them along with the journey. Combining these two themes lead me to a scene where the girl talks with the angel, Victoriam, a bit unsure on where to start with her journey. At the time, Victoriam was meant to be a mentor character; a spiritual guide and Guardian that helps people who feel weak and vulnerable pick themselves back up and find strength within themselves. Nowadays, I may still keep that but have a more godly presence, akin to the visions Jeanne sees in her journey. Who knows really.

Speedpaint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hg62iIgCRnU&ab_channel=FireseekerA47

Art and characters belong to me

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