Li Chi Son

No Obstacles...
No Obstacles... by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Ooooh, serious title for a serious pic. 3-eyes is pissed off and someone might die if they aren't careful. Sadly, that can also mean she might target Li Chi's allies in one of her killing fits.

Has she really killed anyone yet?? pokes bro bro for the answer Maybe she has injuried a few demons...frowns great...what kinda creator am I if I can't remember if she has taken a life before. (she probably didn't because I have a feeling Li Chi would stop her before she did anything drastic)

I chicken scratched her internal monologue. Don't try to read it, the sentence is completely wrong, and has no coherence. I reworded it and found a good font for her voice.

I'll post the monologue but be warned, it's kinda big because I messed around in photoshop and didn't want to reduce the quality of the pic.


Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y127d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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