Li Chi Son

"I don't care who you are...if you stand in my way, you will die..." by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

I really want to colour this pic but I still need to learn how to shade hair before I try (and in the process, ruin the picture ;_;)

The wording still seems a bit abstract...and maybe it doesn't....argh. English...hard...yeah.

Sorry for the size of the file again.

Honestly, I loved this pic when I first drew it but the more I stare at it, the more deformed it looks! Maybe it's the piece of hair flying past her neckline...can't see the neckline (it's that little line under the earring. I should have pressed harder sigh)

Thoughts: Love her eyes. So emotionless yet destructive...yes yes yes! She is so emotionless. She doesn't ask questions, she states/demands them. ie) (emtion) What do you want? (emotionless) What do you want... She doesn't speak fast either =P.

Flaming fist, yeah yeah! FIRE!! BURN!! MUAHHAHA cough Had to look at my hand to draw that pose, thumb is still wrong.

Sometimes I wonder if she really is "beautiful" cause she has kinda androgenous eyes sometimes, not really masculine, not really feminine. Nonetheless, her souls sing out both their personalities.


Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y127d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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