Angela Sasser

Arashiko Battle Stance
Arashiko Battle Stance by @ladydove7 (Angela Sasser)

Colored with Prismacolor Color Pencils. Inked in Sakura Micron ink pen.

For those who don't know, Arashiko is a Saiyan Royal bodyguard from my DBZ fanfiction, Child of the Storm. subliminal messaging GO READ IT NOW !*

NAMECKIAN FIGHTING STYLE: (An explanation of Arashiko's fighting style for the curious) While marooned on Nameck, Arashiko befriends Nail, who in turn teaches her the Nameckian Art of War, including use of armed and unarmed combat. The hands are held open with tensed positions, which aides those with claws in combat because they are extended by the motion, especially in a Nameckian's case. They are also open to allow the use of ki formation as open hands allow one to manipulate energy more easily than closed fists. The feet are spread to provide a center of balance that is not easily toppled. One using this style would be more calculating in their attacks as the stance does not allow for quick movements. Quick, debilitating strikes are used on vital areas to defeat an opponent. One acts as a reaction to their opponent, much like classical kung-fu.

SAIYAN FIGHTING STYLE:-Naturally as a Saiyan Arashiko first learned this during her training as an Elite First Class citizen during her childhood in a military training facility. The Saiyan fighting style is close-handed with the hands normally fisted to allow for bludgeoning attacks. This style relies on inflicting the most amount of pain to the most receptive parts of the body, such as the head, the spinal column, and chest. Occasionally, one hand might be left open in defense, or to cast an energy attack to surprise an opponent.

All-together, Arashiko mainly employs the Nameckian fighting techniques, but is not above taking out an opponent quickly and painfully, should they prove more trouble than their worth. I formulated this information by watching too much DBZ and NONE OF IT is official, just stuff I've deduced from watching the show.

Finished Work
20y175d ago
Other Work By @ladydove7

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 01 April, 2004 @ 01:14 PM

this is very good, good colors, great background (i suck at drawing anything but people), and the chick's got a great pose. I shows that she knows how to fight. hehe that rhymed. ^_^ keep up the great work!!!

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